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Scary explanation from scientists: Atmosphere is getting smaller

worldour, atmosphereIt is surrounded by the complex layers of gas that make up the i. The vital atmosphere protects and nurtures all life. But humanity over the years with factories and exhaust gases planetIt caused a great damage to us. Science the people of our atmosphere the stratosphere explained that the solid was rapidly shrinking. In the study they published in Environmental Research Letters, the researchers highlighted the human impact. This constriction in the second atmosphere layer can disrupt GPS satellites and radio waves.

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The reduction of stratosphere thickness has previously been demonstrated by local studies. But the new study is the first global-scale study of this phenomenon. “Shocking! This study shows that we affect the atmosphere up to 60 kilometers. ” He spoke in the form.

The stratosphere is a layer 20 to 60 kilometers above the sky that covers the atmospheric layer (troposphere) that we breathe. The ozone layer, which is part of the stratosphere, absorbs the radiation reaching the Earth from the Sun and protects us from harmful sun rays. However, with chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFC), we have a great influence on the ozone layer.


Charl University atmospheric physicist Petr Pisoft and colleagues described the study. Since the 1980s, the team has used satellite observations in conjunction with climate models to determine if the previously suspected increase in carbon dioxide (CO2), rather than ozone depletion, caused stratosphere contraction.

Instead of warming and expanding in response to carbon dioxide, the stratosphere cools and contracts. “The warming caused by the greenhouse gas in the troposphere is causing the stratosphere above it to expand and crush,” the team said. said. However, CO2 reaching the stratosphere causes the gas composition to cool and gather closer together, causing the entire layer to shrink.

“Under a reasonable climate change scenario, our planet’s stratosphere could lose 4 percent (1.3 km) of its vertical extension from 1980 to 2080,” says Anel. said. Researchers think this contraction could affect stratosphere dynamics or radiation transfer. However, more studies are needed for this.

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