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‘Scandinavia and the Netherlands are the best economically out of the corona crisis’

That is the expectation of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has compared the economies of 37 countries in a report. According to the WEF, Scandinavian countries are best placed to get through this crisis. Finland ranks first, followed by Sweden and Denmark.

Good recovery

The Netherlands is in fourth place. China and New Zealand, where the coronavirus has completely disappeared, will also easily recover from the financial blows. The top ten also includes Belgium, Germany, France and Israel. The WEF only compared countries where it could gather enough information about.

The fact that the Netherlands is doing so well is mainly due to our advanced digital economy. Because many Dutch people have digital skills, the economy can be kept afloat while working from home.

‘Robust social safety net’

According to the researchers, the Netherlands also has a ‘robust social safety net’, reliable public authorities and good healthcare.

Countries that have experience with previous epidemics such as SARS are in a better position to emerge from the corona crisis well. The Netherlands scores relatively high on almost all characteristics.

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