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Scams, Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit and BNL customers are the most exposed

Bad news for the customers of three banks, who increasingly risk falling victim to one of the many scam attempts. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

The last year has been marked by the impact of Covid which continues to have negative repercussions on our lives both from a social and cheap. In fact, in order to limit its spread, we are asked to pay attention to various precautions, such as the use of masks and social distancing. Indeed, the latter has contributed to changing the way we communicate. Not surprisingly, in recent months there has been an increasingly massive use of the various technological devices.

The latter, on the other hand, allow us to keep in touch with friends and relatives through text messages, emails and instant messaging applications. In addition to the countless advantages, however, it is advisable to be careful of possible pitfalls. Some scammers, in fact, try to exploit these tools precisely to be able to extort money to the unfortunate on duty. I am an example of this fake Ikea coupon scam or that of non-existent online insurance. If all this were not enough, the current account holders of three banks, which therefore risk falling into one of the many traps. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Scams, bad news for customers of these three banks: what you need to know

Family savings
Photo by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Unfortunately, every day there are many scam attempts to which we must pay attention. I know it well customers of Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit and BNL, which more and more often end up in the crosshairs of scammers. Obviously, even the customers of other institutions are not safe, with scammers trying in any way to extort money from the unfortunate person on duty.

Among the most used methods are phishing e smishing. The latter manifests itself when the scammer tries to deceive by sending a dangerous link via SMS. We talk about phishing, however, when the scam is organized through e-mail. In both cases, recipients may think that the sender is really their bank, thus falling into the trap.

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In order to avoid having to deal with unpleasant inconveniences, therefore, it is always advisable to pay the utmost attention and above all never click on links received with suspicious emails or sms. In case of doubt, it is always better to contact the official channels of your bank and ask for information on the matter.

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