Home » today » News » SC Freiburg Coach Christian Streich Confirms Goalkeeper Mark Flekken to Play Last Match, Despite Possible Departure at Season End

SC Freiburg Coach Christian Streich Confirms Goalkeeper Mark Flekken to Play Last Match, Despite Possible Departure at Season End

Freiburg (dpa) – Coach Christian Streich from SC Freiburg does not want to make any changes in goal for the time being, despite the possible farewell to regular keeper Mark Flekken at the end of the season. The 29-year-old Dutchman will “definitely play” in the last home game of the season against VfL Wolfsburg on Friday (8:30 p.m. / DAZN), announced the coach of the Baden Bundesliga club. “We’ll see what comes after that.”

“It’s quite possible that Mark will leave us,” said Streich. Flekken, who has played in Freiburg since 2018, is said to be about to move to England. “Maybe we’ll know more next week, then we’ll make our further decisions,” said Streich.

Flekken’s designated successor, Freiburg’s U-21 national goalkeeper Noah Atubolu, has to be patient for the time being. “Every game he makes is good,” Streich said of the 20-year-old. In the end of the season, there is still a lot at stake. As fifth in the table, the Breisgauers still have a small chance of making it into the Champions League for the first time.

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