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SBZ demands from the authorities protection of Bulgarian journalists from the list of “Peacemaker”

/Pogled.info/ If not by the Bulgarian citizens and journalists, hopefully the authorities are at least excited by the inclusion of Henry Kissinger in the list of “Peacemakers”

The question of the existence in a country encouraged for EU membership of a site that discloses personal data, violates basic legal norms in the EU and threatens the rights and security of many people, including European citizens, must be raised before the European institutions.

In recent days, among the collegium, the indignation and concern has been rightly growing due to the publicized news that the infamous Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” has recently included another Bulgarian citizen and journalist in its list of “enemies of Ukraine” – Dilyana Gaitanjieva, awarded in 2013 with the “Golden Feather” of the SBZ for its international journalistic investigations. “Peacemaker” branded her for her investigations related to Ukraine.

We remind you that in the sinister list of “Peacemaker” from 2018, there are also Bulgarian journalists who were ordered to be massacred because of their professional work – such as Veliana Hristova, member of the Board of Directors of SBZ, Velislava Dureva, Elena Yoncheva, Hristo Georgiev, Rumen Petkov and other. Other Bulgarian citizens are also included there – analysts, scientists, politicians. Among them are Valentin Vacev, Vanya Dobreva, Volen Siderov, Prof. Ivo Hristov and others.

The data of numerous journalists, artists, politicians, public figures and even heads of state from many countries can also be found on the same famous site. Including the likes of rock legend Roger Waters, Amnesty International President Agnes Callamard, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, and even the guru of American diplomacy Henry Kissinger.

Despite numerous demands by UN structures, the OSCE, the European Parliament and other international organizations, the “Peacemaker” website, which illegally distributes personal data of thousands of designated people, should be stopped by the Ukrainian authorities, it continues to function.

The site “Peacemaker” was created in 2014 on the initiative of the then unfortunate assistant of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko, who later became the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, remaining in this post until 2021. The site announces for “Internet representation of the Center for Research of Crimes Against the Basics of National Security of Ukraine, Peace and Security of Citizens”.

“Peacemaker” made noise in 2015, when Ukrainian opposition journalist Oles Buzina and Ukrainian opposition politician Oleg Kalashnikov, listed with personal data on the site, were killed in assassinations. Later, other people from the leaves became victims of assassination attempts. Among the most recent cases are the murders near Moscow and in St. Petersburg of Russians Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky, who also developed media activity. After their death, a diagonal inscription in red appears on their photos in “Peacemaker”: “Liquidated”. The people list section of this site bears the significant name “Purgatory”.

From its creation until mid-May 2016, “Peacemaker” points to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) and other official power structures as its partners. This is changing after in early May 2016 the site published the personal data of many journalists from major world media such as AFP, Reuters, Air Force, Al-Jazeera, etc. After the sharp international reaction, the human rights structure of the Verkhovna Rada announced the closure of “Peacemaker” and it was indeed stopped. But only for a few days. Then he resumed his work, which continues to this day – no longer pointing to the Ministry of Interior or the SBU as his partners. But there is a section providing special access for the special services of Ukraine and for foreign special services.

The Union of Bulgarian Journalists insists that the Bulgarian government and the competent authorities inform the public in our country about what has been done to protect the rights and security of Bulgarian citizens, including journalists included in the “Peacemaker” list and exposed to increased risk by publicizing their personal data. We demand that the authorities guarantee their protection.

We also insist on information on whether this issue has been raised in the Bulgarian-Ukrainian contacts at the working, high and highest level, and if it has not been raised – why not and when this will be done.

We appeal to the Committee on Culture and Media in the National Assembly to urgently come up with a position regarding the case involving the inclusion of Bulgarian journalists in a foreign list with an implication that threatens their rights and security.

Also, the SBZ insists that the Bulgarian representatives in the structures of the European Union raise the issue of the existence of the site “Peacemaker” in a country encouraged in its quest for future membership in the EU. Through its list, this site violates basic legal norms in the EU and threatens the rights and security of many people, including European citizens.

Snezhana Todorova,

Chairman of the Board of the SBZ

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