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SBU warned of sales of weapons of military unit by head of warehouse

In Nikolaev, a soldier The armed forces wanted to organize a “sale” of weapons and ammunition from the warehouse of missile and artillery weapons of his unit. The criminal scheme was exposed Security Service of Ukraine.

The alleged organizer of the crime was the head of the warehouse. He has already been detained. This was announced on Tuesday, September 28, by the SBU press service on the official website (scroll to the end to watch the video).

As the investigation established, a large number of weapons disappeared from one of the military units in Nikolaev, in particular tens of thousands of live ammunition, hundreds of shells, mines, etc.

Video of the day

The attacker sold the stolen to “interested parties”, the SBU press service wrote. Local criminals were also among the buyers.

Special service operatives documented the sale of 15 F-1 and RGD-5 grenades with fuses and five RPG-22 anti-tank grenade launchers.

Detention of a Ukrainian serviceman

Searches were carried out in the house of the head of the warehouse and in the place where the stolen military property was stored. Law enforcers found there:

  • 40 artillery and mortar mines;

  • 129 rounds PG-7 for RPGs;

  • nearly 600 artillery shells;

  • 216 VOG17 grenade launcher rounds;

  • about 600 illuminating rocket missiles;

  • 49 knock-out powder charges for mortar mines;

  • eight explosive charges;

  • smoke and anti-tank grenades;

Grenades and RPG-22, which

SBU conducted searches

Stolen ammunition

Investigators suspect that others may be involved in the massive criminal scheme. They are installed.

They tried to sell the military arsenal illegally

A detained serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was informed of suspicion under Part 1 of Art. 263 (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code.

If the court proves the man’s guilt, the military man faces a prison term of three to seven years.

Video of detention and searches:

As he wrote OBOZREVATEL:

  • The SBI previously established that in Transcarpathia the foreman of a military unit sold drugs to the military… In addition, he illegally sold military equipment. Now the detainee faces 12 years behind bars.

  • And one of the officials of the Ministry of Defense caught on a bribe of 30 thousand dollars… He is accused of extorting money for the illegal transfer of land to the Ministry of Defense for residential development.

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