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SBU investigator embezzled arrested jewelry worth 8.6 million

Photo: dbr.gov.ua

Security official faces up to 10 years in prison

An SBU officer obtained access to the arrested jewelry, allegedly for forensic examinations, and returned it to the “owner”.

In the Lviv region, one of the SBU investigators embezzled arrested jewelry worth more than 8.5 million hryvnia. The indictment against the SBU employee was sent to the court, informs GBR press service.

“In November 2018, at the Lviv International Airport, SBU officers seized jewelry made of gold and silver weighing more than 24 kg, which the citizen was transporting illegally. After that, on the basis of possible illegal actions of customs officers, namely the probable assistance to the citizen in the illegal movement of these items, criminal proceedings “, – said in the message.

At the end of the same year, the court seized the jewelry. And in January 2019, one of the investigators of the Security Service of Ukraine received temporary access to jewelry for allegedly conducting forensic examinations. Already on January 14, the SBU officer unlawfully returned the arrested jewelry to the “owner”.

The total cost of scrap products is UAH 8,650,715.

Now the investigator is accused of abuse of office, which entailed grave consequences (part 3 of article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). He faces punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of seven to 10 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

As previously reported, the RRG detained on a bribe from two tax officials… They were detained while receiving part of the illegal benefit in the amount of 180 thousand hryvnia.

We also wrote that the SBI exposed an SBU officer, who received $ 5 thousand for the disclosure of personal data.

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