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SBMPTN 2020, Here Are 10 PTNs with the Highest UTBK Science Value

KOMPAS.com – Entrance Test Institute College ( LTMPT) has announced the results of the Joint Selection to Enter State Universities ( SBMPTN) 2020 will be announced online today Friday, 14 August 2020, at 15.00 WIB.

In the announcement, it was determined that the number of participants passed the selection at 85 State Universities (PTN) throughout Indonesia as many as 167,653 people.

The number of participants who passed were the result of selection from UTBK registrants 2020 SBMPTN as many as 702,420 people, with details:

  • Non-KIP Lecture applicants were 546,370 people and
  • Registrants who own the KIP College Registration Number are 156,050 people.

Of the participants declared to have passed consisted of 123,099 Non-KIP Lecture Participants and 44,554 Lecture KIP Registration Number Owners.

Also read: 10 PTNs with the Highest UTBK Value Soshum in the 2020 SBMPTN

10 PTNs scored the highest UTBK Saintek

In addition, the Chairperson of the LTMPT Prof. Mohammad Nasih also announced College state (PTN) with the highest UTBK value in the field of science and technology in the 2020 SBMPTN.

The ten state universities are:

1. ITB: score 624.07

2. UI: score 620.01

3. UGM: score of 611.45

4. ITS: 606,77

5. UNDIP: 592.55

6. UNPAD: 589.08

7. UNAIR: 588.48

8. US: 587.39

9. IPB: score 586.18

10. UPNV Jakarta: score 585.77

SBMPTN 2020 announcement link

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/edu/image/2020/08/14/160222471/sbmptn-2020-ini-dia-10-ptn-nilai-utbk-saintek-tertinggi?page=2" style=" float: left; padding: 0 20px 20px 0; max-width: 100% ; width:340px ">WHILE. COMPASS Announcement of the 2020 SBMPTN on Kompas.com and Kompas Daily-Access to “Announcement of 2020 SBMPTN Results” via the official LTMPT website: https: // announcements- hmm. ltmpt.ac.id by entering the registration number and date of birth of the 2020 SBMPTN participants.

The announcement of the results of this selection can also be seen on page 12 of other mirror PTNs, namely:

1. https://sbmptn.ui.ac.id

2. https://sbmptn.itb.ac.id

3. https://sbmptn.undip.ac.id

4. https://sbmptn.its.ac.id

5. https://sbmptn.ugm.ac.id

6. https://sbmptn.ipb.ac.id

Also read: 15 Favorite Campuses for 2020 SBMPTN Participants, UGM Rank One

7. https://sbmptn.unair.ac.id

8. https://sbmptn.unand.ac.id

9. https://sbmptn.unsri.ac.id

10. https://sbmptn.unhas.ac.id

11. https://sbmptn.untan.ac.id

12. https://sbmptn.unsyiah.ac.id

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