Saxony’s largest non-partisan election poster will soon be on the front of a house in Dresden-Mickten. The city’s street artists want to design it together and thus draw attention to the state elections.
The people of Dresden can decide on the design online vote.
You can choose from three quotes from three very different personalities: Indira Gandhi, Roland Kaiser and Dr. Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter. The quote providers, defined by the initiators as the everyday philosophers of today, cover different thematic foci.
Roland Kaiser: “If the majority is silent, the image is still wrong.
Indira Gandhi: “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”
Prof. Albus Dumbledore: “Soon we will all have to decide between what
what is right and what is simple. “
2024-08-09 04:05:17
#Saxonys #biggest #election #poster #completely #unaffiliated #party