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Saxony-Anhalt: Empty shelves in Saxony-Anhalt’s blood donation institute

Status: 21.08.2024 13:48

Supplies are scarce at the blood donation institute in Dessau. The number of donors has dropped significantly. This is also due to major sporting events in the summer.


With a shrill warning tone, the door to the cold storage room opens. It is loud and cold inside. Very cold. The thermometer shows only four degrees. In the room, which is the size of an average living room, vital supplies are stored: “This is the stock from which we supply the entire state of Saxony-Anhalt,” says Dr. Hartmut Kroll.

Fewer blood donations during European Championships Olympics

Included The head of the Dessau Blood Donation Institute looks at the many empty shelves on the walls with a frown. “At the moment, the supply situation is really tense,” explains Kroll, and the figures prove it. The Dessau pantry normally stores 10,000 cans. At the moment, there are only about 8,500. Preparations of the highly sought-after blood group 0 only last for two or three days. There are simply no donations.

Head of the blood donation institute in Dessau: Hartmut Kroll.

At the moment the supply situation is really tense.
Dr. med. Hartmut Kroll, Head of the DRK Blood Donation Institute Dessau |

The Dessau Blood Donation Institute is aware that shortages can occur in the summer. This time, however, the need is particularly great: “During the European Football Championship, things were still going reasonably well,” reports Antje Rettig. At the same time as the Summer Games in Paris But then came the collapse: “I do think that the Olympics played a role, because there was a lot of interest in front of the television.” Many regular donors would have preferred to watch the competitions and not come for a blood donation, said the DRK regional representative.

From Dessau, the blood supplies are distributed in Saxony-Anhalt – if there is anything to distribute.

The hot summer made the situation even worse. “The swimming pool is tempting, the ice cream parlor is tempting, but many people are no longer willing to donate blood,” says Rettig. But the canned goods are urgently needed.

How do you become a blood donor?

In principle, anyone over the age of 18 who weighs at least 50 kilograms can donate blood. However, there are exclusion criteria, such as previous illnesses, personal sexual behavior or medication taken. All of this is checked before each donation and, if necessary, discussed with a doctor on site. The iron content of the blood, blood pressure and body temperature are also tested.

How many blood donors are needed?

According to the German Red Cross, almost 15,000 blood donations are needed every day throughout Germany to supply clinics or other medical facilities.

Which blood group is in particular demand?

The greatest need is for blood group 0, whose donors are considered “universal donors”. It occurs most frequently with the Rhesus factor positive: this blood group can be accepted by 85 percent of people. Blood group 0 with the Rhesus factor negative, which only six percent of people have, can be given to 100 percent of patients.

How long does a blood donation take?

The blood draw itself takes a maximum of ten minutes. Due to discussions, tests, rest and waiting times, you should plan on about an hour for the entire procedure.

What is the benefit of donating blood?

First of all, donating blood is a humanitarian act, which means that other people benefit. The up to three preparations made from the donation can help up to three people. The donor himself receives no feedback about this.

However, if anything unusual is discovered during the examination of the donor blood, the donor will be informed.

How long does blood last?

According to the German Red Cross, the individual blood components last for different lengths of time. The most sensitive are the platelets. They last for just under four days at room temperature and with constant movement. Red blood cells, on the other hand, can be kept for up to 49 days at 4 degrees. Blood plasma can be frozen and can be kept for up to three years at -27 degrees.

How do I find a blood donation appointment?

The majority of blood donations in Germany are organized by the German Red Cross at various locations. There are also private institutions, but some clinics also run their own blood banks. They all provide information about donation dates online, and if requested, by email or their own app.

How often can you donate blood?

Men are allowed to donate six times within 12 months, women four times within 12 months.

Are there cash or other rewards for blood donations?

Compensation for blood loss is provided in the form of snacks and drinks. Some facilities also offer money or shopping vouchers. In order to keep donations high, especially in the summer months, additional gifts can be given to regular donors. Badges of honor are sometimes also given when donation anniversaries are reached.

The donation is the final step after extensive questioning, small tests and a consultation with a doctor.

Operations could be postponed

Bad Accidents on the roads, people seriously injured after physical altercations, difficult operations on patients: The Dessau Institute requests around 500 canned goods every day in order to adequately supply around 100 hospitals and doctors’ offices in Saxony-Anhalt. This is becoming increasingly difficult.

“If things continue like this, then the need for really urgent cases will have to be limited,” explains Rettig. Other interventions or treatments will then have to wait: “As far as prostheses or new joints are concerned, that will have to be postponed.”

Special dates for blood donation

Intensive care patients naturally have priority, says Rettig. She is also responsible for blood donor advertising at the German Red Cross. It’s a demanding job. Even outside of the summer, the willingness to donate can generally be improved. According to the information, only about four out of 100 people from Saxony-Anhalt regularly roll up their sleeves at one of the many blood donation centers across the country.

Antje Rettig suspects that during the Olympic Games, sport took priority over blood donation.

One To replenish supplies, Antje Rettig and her DRK team are currently organising special events in many places: “Everyone should really be compassionate. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they need a can of blood through no fault of their own. And it doesn’t hurt, it only takes an hour,” appeals the DRK regional representative. Donate blood for a good cause. Just a small prick that saves lives.

LOL (Martin Krause, André Plaul)

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