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Saxon economy criticizes the planned town hall construction project

Further violent headwinds for the planned new town hall in Dresden: the taxpayers’ association and the Association of Saxon Economy reject new construction.

Dresden – Further violent headwinds for the planned new town hall on Ferdinandplatz. In a joint statement, the Federation of Taxpayers and the Association of the Saxon Economy (VSW) from the planned 140 million euro new building.

Now the Saxon economy is also criticizing the planned new town hall building. © State capital Dresden

The “pushing through of this project through a subsidiary” and the financing through loans are specifically criticized.

In addition, Dresden “has not yet shown convincingly that this building is needed.”

Furthermore, the petition initiated by Uwe Steimle (57) to stop the construction of the town hall is supported. More than 10,000 citizens have now signed, so the petition should be discussed in the council.

The success of both initiatives is questionable. From the town hall’s point of view, the new building cannot be stopped, the council would have already given its OK in December 2020.

The SPD criticized the letter as “populist meddling in local politics”.

The VSW sees itself as the “voice of the Saxon economy”, in which 38 member associations (including the East German construction industry association, DEHOGA) are organized.

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