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Sawtooth week on the New York Stock Exchange

Wall Street ended a week of high volatility on the rise, leaning more towards the hope of a vaccine against Covid-19 rather than towards the sharp rise in contaminations in the country.

The US stock market closed higher on Friday, at the end of a week marked by high volatility, the market hesitating between the hope of a vaccine against Covid-19 and the explosion of new cases of contamination. The Dow rose 1.37% to 29,479.81 points. The Nasdaq rose 1.02% to 11,829.29 points. The S&P 500 took 1.36% to 3,585.15 points. At the beginning of the week, the American laboratories Pfizer (+ 2.85%) and German BioNTech (+ 4.30%), assured that their vaccine candidate was “90% effective” against Covid-19, according to the large-scale phase 3 trial underway, the last step before an application for approval. But after its enthusiasm on Monday, the New York place went on a roller coaster, observing with apprehension the records of new infections and the sharp increase in hospitalizations in the United States.

In terms of values, Disney appreciated 2.13% after the meteoric rise in the number of subscribers to its streaming platform Disney +, which allowed it to relegate to the background a net loss of $ 710 million in the fourth quarter of its fiscal year 2020.

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