Home » Business » Savings Rates: Are Niche Banks Safer Than Major Banks in Belgium?

Savings Rates: Are Niche Banks Safer Than Major Banks in Belgium?

Belfius will increase savings rates at the beginning of next month. Despite the announced increase, the savings fees of the major bank fall short of beating those of the smaller players. But how safe is it to entrust your savings to a niche bank?

Why is this important?

In recent weeks, the government parties have criticized the low savings rates. Meanwhile, several banks have raised interest rates. Our country currently has four savings accounts that bring in at least 2 percent.

De context: The interest on the Fidelity account, Belfius’ most lucrative savings account, will rise from 0.8 to 1.25 percent on 1 July. Only one large bank offers a higher interest rate: ING. Those who save via Tempo Sparen receive 1.4 percent. You can set aside a maximum of 500 euros per month if you opt for that savings formula.

  • In any case, the savings rates of all major banks fall short of beating those of the smaller players. Three internet banks offer savings books di

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2023-06-10 08:13:49 #Savings #rates #small #banks #outperform #major #banks #safe #niche #players

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