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Saving while driving: Practical tips for drivers

As a driver, do you sometimes get annoyed when looking at gas station prices, workshop bills or parking fees? Recently, fuel has become more expensive in Germany: According to the ADAC, a liter of Super E10 cost an average of 1.483 euros in May, diesel an average of 1.331 euros. The gasoline price has thus reached the highest level since May 2019, the diesel price since November 2018.

But annoyance alone does not help and only strains the nerves. There are actually other ways to save, as the following tips show:

– Full to the brim at off-peak times: “Fuel prices are usually highest in the morning and vary throughout the day. It is usually cheapest in the evening from 6 p.m.”, says Hermann-Josef Tenhagen from the financial advisor “Finanztip”. The prices sometimes fluctuated by up to ten cents per liter. The cheapest fuel prices can be found via portals and apps. The Federal Cartel Office did online Apps listed “that all have access to the real-time data of the cartel office and should therefore all deliver the same results,” says Tenhagen.

– Workshop loyalty: Anyone who has their car repaired after damage in a workshop selected by the insurance company can save money on the annual fee. “The difference to the normal comprehensive insurance rate can quickly be 20 percent,” says Sören Heinze from Auto Club Europa (ACE). It should be noted, however, that this only applies to self-inflicted damage that is paid for by your own insurance. “Anyone who is involved in an accident through no fault of their own continues to have a free choice of workshop, because the damage is then paid for by the opposing liability insurance company,” explains Heinze.

– Drive in a fuel-efficient way: Too little air pressure has a negative effect on fuel consumption. “If the air is 0.5 bar too little, fuel consumption can be around five percent higher,” Heinze calculates. An unused roof rack and other superfluous weight also increase fuel consumption. Another possible fuel guzzler is an incorrectly set air conditioning system.

– Prepare general inspection (HU) well: If you check things like lights, brakes, horn and tires yourself before a main inspection, you run less risk of having to go to the inspection center a second time. “An inspection costs time and money. Almost every fourth car fails the inspection, the most common reason being poor lighting,” says Gerrit Reichel from the Automobile Club Verkehr (ACV).

– Compare the costs of breakdown assistance: For anyone who travels a lot, breakdown assistance from an automobile club can be a sensible investment. According to a recent comparison by “Finanztip”, however, the price differences are large and vary between EUR 49 and EUR 94 per year for membership in Europe.

– Change insurance: Similar to electricity and gas providers, it makes sense to check the costs regularly with insurance companies. “Since motor vehicle insurances usually start on January 1st, drivers should review their tariff in autumn and cancel at the latest by the end of November in order to still be able to change,” advises Heinze. For a comprehensive picture, it makes sense to use both online comparison calculators and to obtain offers from direct insurers.

– Optimize parking fees: Parking can be expensive, especially in city centers. It is annoying if you are billed for each part of the hour, even though the hour is not being used to the full. Apps like Easypark or Parknow are practical here, with which the expected parking time can be preset, says Tenhagen. “But only the time actually used is paid for.”

– Smart Repair: Small scratches or dents can often be removed with little effort, without having to replace the fender or paint the entire door. “While painting a bumper quickly devours 500 euros or more, the professional smart repair method often costs less than 150 euros – with a comparable result,” says Reichel.

– Fill up with electricity for free: According to the Efahrer.com portal, many discounters are now offering free charging points for e-cars. There are also many hardware stores and all Ikea houses free charging stations fitted. This provides a good overview Electricity station directory on goingelectric.de – there the search can be limited to free charging points.

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