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Save money through clever planning

Everyday life is expensive and getting more so in the face of record inflation and rising energy prices. It is important to take specific measures to save money. For this there is a variety of strategies, which each individual can use without much effort. This article explains what these are and what should be considered when saving money.

Take advantage of seasonal benefits

An important step in acquiring essential goods is to take advantage of seasonal benefits. If you only order gas for heating when it is getting cold and demand is increasing, you have to expect high prices. On the other hand, if you order in the spring and summer months, where a relatively low demand is available can benefit from favorable discounts and promotions.

This approach is also useful in other areas. For example, it makes sense to use clearance sales to get new clothes. Likewise, there is technical equipment that is in high demand and expensive for one season, but after that at significantly lower prices can be bought. If you take seasonal fluctuations into account, you save a lot of money.

Replace loans and benefit from low interest rates

Another great way to save money is to pay off an existing loan. Interest rates on the market are volatile, which is why a formerly cheap loan can be extremely expensive today. Anyone who holds on to such a loan pays unnecessarily high interest rates and has a higher monthly burden than necessary. Because of this it is advisable to play with the idea of ​​paying off a loan.

Here, borrowers take out a new loan with which they pay off the old, existing loan. Since the new loan is taken out at the currently cheap lending rates, users save a lot of money. This approach is currently recommended because the ECB is pursuing a low interest rate policy and lowered interest rates to zero. Loans are therefore extremely cheap. In addition, cheap debt restructuring is easily possible these days. Loans can be taken out online and paperless and used quickly, easily and transparently.

Used items are much cheaper than new items and are often of high quality.

(Photo: pixabay.de © stux CCO Public Domain)

Purchase leased vehicles and exhibits

If you want to buy a new vehicle, you have to reckon with sometimes considerable acquisition costs. This is especially true if you don’t want a used vehicle, but want to buy a new car. But there is also an opportunity to save a lot of money. Because many vehicles in the quality of a new car can be obtained particularly cheaply if the respective vehicles have previously been used for other purposes.

For example, it is possible to purchase former leased vehicles. These were often only used for a year or two and only driven a limited number of kilometers. These are therefore modern, new vehicles that have only been used a little and worn out. This concept is well received, which is shown by the fact that the leasing industry is currently growing strongly. There is also the possibility to focus on exhibits. If a vehicle has been presented at various trade fairs, it has already been transported and occasionally demonstrated. Here there is also the possibility of having such a vehicle much cheaper, although it has practically not been driven yet.

Travel at short notice and flexibly

Traveling is also an opportunity to save a lot of money. This is the case, for example, if you can travel flexibly at short notice. Basically, there are advantages to booking a trip well in advance benefit from early booking discounts. But it is also possible to buy travel offers cheaply if they are only booked shortly before departure. The trade off between Early bird discount and last minute should therefore be done carefully.

In the case of Last Minute, travel providers are happy to be able to get rid of the seats at all, which is why they offer attractive discounts. With this type of vacation, however, a high degree of flexibility is required. Frequently, travelers cannot decide independently where to go, but have to take advantage of the offers that are available. Occasionally trips have to be started at extremely short notice, which is why a high organizational talent is asked. If you meet these requirements, you can travel extremely cheaply.

Make purchases before they become necessary

It doesn’t make sense to wait with a new purchase until it is absolutely necessary. For example, if you work from home and use a laptop, you shouldn’t wait for it to die before buying a new device. Otherwise there is always a phase in which work cannot be done. In addition, the devices must then be purchased at a specific point in time. Consumers are then dependent on buying them at the prices that are currently available common on the market are.

Instead, it makes sense to set a specific cycle in which certain purchases are made. This applies to electronic devices as well as to Vehicles, furniture or other items of daily use. Once these are broken, action must be taken quickly. On the other hand, if you plan and organize in good time, you can take advantage of cheap offers and may also receive some money for the used items.

Share costs and usage with others

It is possible to share certain acquisition costs in order to save money. For example, if a company plans to have an electric car charging station in front of the store as a service to customers set up, you should negotiate with the neighboring shop as to whether they might share the costs. Both companies can use the charging station as an advertising and service measure, but only bear half the costs.

A similar strategy can also be used in the private sector. For example, if a rental home has a laundry room, the tenants can agree to get a washer and dryer for that space. As well as the acquisition and operating costs can then be divided among the individual households, which can save a lot of money. This procedure is also a contribution to environmental protection, since less electronic waste is produced and the machines are used efficiently and extensively.


There are a variety of ways to save a lot of money on a day-to-day basis. It is important that the individual strategies are used in a targeted manner and a concrete plan tracked. It is also advisable to use professional advice for some measures such as debt restructuring. In this way, users and consumers know exactly what their options are and what they need to look out for in order to save as much money as possible.

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