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Save money on car insurance thanks to the mileage plan | Assurance

The price of gasoline is reaching new heights, sharply increasing the budget automobile the French.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the price of a liter of diesel has gone from 1.70 euros in February to 2.13 euros today. Per month, for 1,000 km traveled on average, the diesel budget of a couple with two cars is on average 250 euros per month!

Solutions exist to limit the increase in the automobile budget of the French.

It’s all about saving money on auto insurance. With the rise of telework and especially the rise in fuel prices, the mobility habits of the French are changing.

“However, with the rise of telework, or by changing habits, by taking public transport in particular, it is possible to reduce the kilometers traveled, and beyond the fuel savings generated, to make savings on his car insuranceanalyzes David Guyonnet, Deputy CEO of the Vilavi group.

For those who use their vehicle less than before, it may be worth switching to a mileage package insurance.

This insurance “little roller” to the mileage package allows save up to 25% per year on the cost of your insurance.

The formula, which came from the United States under the name of “Pay as you drive” insurance, called in France “petitrouleur”, offers the possibility of paying an annual fee adapted to the actual use of the vehicle according to the number of kilometers traveled each year.

Few motorists know this. In 2021, only 8% of car insurance contracts were taken out with a mileage package: 5% with a package of less than 8,000 km, and 3% with a package of less than 4,000 km. “In recent years, even though the health crisis has upset the mobility habits of the French, the share of mileage packages has not changed. This shows that there is a lack of knowledge of this product, which is nevertheless adapted to the habits of certain motorists. Those who travel less than 700 km per month on average are probably paying too much for their car insurance! », explains Julien Deprez, Director of Offers and Partnerships at Vilavi.

There are, however, significant regional differences: it is in the PACA region and in Île-de-France that the most “small wheeler” contracts are taken out with a share which rises to 10% of contracts, followed by Occitanie (9%) while only 6% of motorists opt for this type of insurance in the Burgundy-France-Comté, Center Val-de-Loire, Grand Est and Normandy regions or 5% in Brittany.

“Package mileage contracts are more suitable in regions well served by public transport and more urban, but also popular with young drivers, to reduce the amount of their premium, or retirees who often use their vehicle less, but with the telework, the cards are reshuffled, and a much larger target of motorists may be concerned! »Councilor David Guyonnet.

If the French drove on average 12 220 km per year according to the 2019 annual transport report of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in 2020, due to successive confinements, this figure fell to 9 900 km.

Since then, telework has become widespread, making it possible to limit some of the travel.

With key savings on the automotive budget, both on fuel and insurance.

“We offer two types of ‘small rider’ contracts, for those who drive less than 8,000 km, allowing them to save an average of 15% on their insurance, and those who do less than 4,000 km per year, resulting in savings of 25 % on the annual fee. For an observed average premium of €580, the 4,000 km package generates a gain of €145 per year, and for the 8,000 km package the annual saving is €87”calculated Julien Deprez.

Let’s take a concrete example.

According to the latest Insee data available, 74% of working people use their car to reach their place of work, with an average of 22 km traveled per day according to the 2019 Territorial Observatory. With two days of teleworking per month, the saving is 44 km per week, or 176 km per month on average, and more than 2,100 km per year. This means savings of €280 per year on fuel, and potentially €145 on insurance, or €425 per year.

Source: Vilavi

Image for Tumisu from Pixabay

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