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Sauveur-de-Montagut – Another way to think about your health

Opened in 2017, the dispensary offers alternative therapies.

The Val Eyrieux dispensary offers access to natural care and health education for all. Naturopathy, reïki, addictology, homeopathy, psychomotricity, herbalism, sophro-analysis, hypnosis, astrology are some of the practices exercised. Therapists offer individual interviews and sometimes organize specific group workshops.

Initiated by Colette Acton and inspired by models from Romans and Crest, the dispensary opened in 2017. Opening it is a way of giving back to others what it has received. “People have little money and so many basic needs that they cannot treat themselves. I had some pitfalls like everyone else, but I think I have been spoiled by life. I admire the people who intervene at the dispensary. They work elsewhere, but they give time “.

Whether they are doctors, pharmacists, educators or nurses, the speakers, all graduates in their discipline, offer “alternative therapies which in no way replace medical advice”, recalls Colette Acton. In order to make care accessible to all, practitioners offer a voluntary service. For a modest annual subscription, patients pay for the consultation conscientiously and according to their possibilities.

Colette Acton
releases emotions

A pharmacist by profession, Colette Acton initiated a shift in her professional life at the age of 40 by resuming studies in psychology and following training in psychotherapy. She worked for 12 years in a private practice as a therapist while continuing to train in various but complementary fields such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Bach flowers, sophro-analysis which allows work on genealogy. … Rich in these different tools, it helps people find in themselves what they can change to get better. She tries to link the past which weighs on the present, to release the emotions so that they become neutral. If someone is hesitant about a choice of profession, Colette Acton offers orientation tests by colors that highlight the resources that direct towards professional sectors.

Etienne Schneider
uses astrology

Étienne Schneider, for his part, uses astrology to bring people to a better knowledge of himself and of their destiny. A specialist educator, he has supported people at the end of their life and created accommodation for women in difficulty. Passionate about the very rich universal symbolism of the planets which dates back to the dawn of time, he has been trained in astrology for over 40 years. “The astral chart describes the energies in which a person evolves during his life. Whether she is questioning, in transition or breaking up, it is a relevant way that invites her to find her own answers by giving meaning to events.. It’s up to her to initiate the change if she does. wish”. Étienne Schneider does not practice predictive astrology, he reveals and sheds light on the appointments that life offers to move forward.

Tel : 07 82 06 61 68.
Mail : [email protected].
Site : www.dispensairevaldeyrieux.net

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