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Saunas want to reopen in mid-March with rapid tests

The sauna industry sent the plan to the cabinet on Wednesday. The companies say they will open their doors again on March 15, unless the cabinet has valid reasons not to do so.

Quick test from the car

According to the new protocol drawn up by the industry, each resort will have a rapid test street in the parking lot. Visitors can take the test from their car. After fifteen minutes they will receive the results via email or text message. If it is negative, they can check in.

The water stands entrepreneurs up to the nostrils

Fabian Dolman – Quality Wellness Resorts

In addition, all other measures continue to apply. Visitors must keep a distance of at least five feet from each other. It is also mandatory to book in advance, there are maximum numbers for the different rooms and strict hygiene rules apply.

‘Waiting patiently is no longer an option’

One of the initiators of the plan is director Fabian Dolman of Quality Wellness Resorts, the owner of Thermen Bad Nieuweschans, among others. The organization hopes to have a solution with quick tests to be able to open responsibly.

The resorts contribute to a huge public need to do something good for body and soul. Moreover, the water stands up to the nostrils of the companies and patient waiting for the government is no longer an option, ‘says the Association for Dutch Sauna and Wellness Companies (VNSWB), of which Dolman is a board member. The saunas have been closed since mid-December.

Figures still too high

It is still highly uncertain whether there will be any relaxation for the sauna industry. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Economic Affairs says that the number of infections is decisive: “The figures do not look good at the moment, so that easing is not obvious.”

However, according to the ministry, rapid tests can be part of the safe reopening of multiple sectors. ‘We are discussing this with branches. It is important that entrepreneurs are helped by it, such a system should not slow down, ‘the spokesperson said.

Own employees

The VNSWB proposes to let employees take the tests themselves. They are trained and supervised by a doctor. The companies want to use rapid tests that have been approved by the GGD and RIVM. Half of the costs for the test will be paid by the companies, the other half will have to be paid by visitors.

The industry hopes to receive a response to the plan by next Monday. If the saunas are not yet allowed to open, the association wants to discuss another possible date with the ministry.

Also read:
Saunas are again hit by the closure of restaurants
To the sauna in corona time: count slippers and no infusions

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