RIYADH: Saudi Falcons Club’s 3rd International Falcon Breeders’ Auction has started at its headquarters in Malham, 80 km north of Riyadh. The 21-day auction organized at the Saudi Falcons Club headquarters is a favorite destination for falcon breeders, falconers, hobbyists, buyers and sellers from around the world. Leading falcon farms from 16 countries participate in the Breeders’ Auction to collect the best breeds from around the world. The participating farms are from Saudi Arabia, Britain, America, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Poland, France, Netherlands, Canada, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary and Uzbekistan.
Image: Saudifalconclub
During these days there is an opportunity to see and get close to different types of hawks. Since ancient times, falcons have been a symbol of pride, valor, prowess, tradition and antiquity in Arab life.
The fair aims to present a safe and thriving market for falconry breeders and falcon farm producers and to provide leadership in falconry development, innovation, breeding and care. Creating new commercial marketing opportunities and providing unique falcon breeds to falconers in the region.
Also, it acts as a cultural and economic catalyst. Saudi Falcons Club spokesman Walid Al Taweel said it promotes environmental awareness and acts as a platform for growth.
Image: Saudifalconclub
Six new rounds have been introduced in this year’s auction. Especially for falcons delivered from overseas. The fair will end on 25th of this month.
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The spokesperson said that the falcons that have been auctioned now are eligible to participate in all rounds of the Al Melwa competition at the next King Abdulaziz Falcon Festival, which will be held from November 28 to December 14. The international falcon fair held in previous years saw the sale of more than 10 million Riyals through the auction of more than 800 falcons. About 25 leading falcon farms participated.
English Summary: The third international falcon auction in Saudi Arabia is a showcase for world-class falcons.
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2023-08-06 12:44:27