Home » today » News » Saudi Arabia .. A senator ignites hype with a statement on the scene of Biden’s “request” to postpone the OPEC decision +

Saudi Arabia .. A senator ignites hype with a statement on the scene of Biden’s “request” to postpone the OPEC decision +

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Senator Tom Cotton has sparked extensive interaction among activists on social media after his statements on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the reason for the American “request” to postpone OPEC’s decision + to reduce production.

The senator’s circulation statements came in an interview with Fox Channel, in which he said, “Democrats will do everything to prevent fuel prices from rising before the election, but remember he didn’t ask the Saudis not to cut back. the production, but rather asked them to wait a month until after the elections, because the policy of Il Biden official in the election campaign and since he took office has done everything to damage the production of fossil fuels here and in the world.

He continued: “There are two simple reasons for what happened with OPEC’s decision and our relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and our visit to our foreign oil addiction. First, Joe Biden launched a war. to American oil producers, if we produced more here, we don’t depend on anyone abroad .. “

He added: “Second, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party have launched a campaign to ostracize and marginalize Saudi Arabia for the past 13 years, courting Iran and appeasing our moral enemy, during the era of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s was able to pressure Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices low, which destroyed the economy of the Union. The Soviet Union, because Biden can’t do this with the Saudis. against Putin’s Russia? The reason is because they launched this campaign against Saudi Arabia, our longtime friend, for the benefit of our enemy, Iran, and this is precisely the short-sightedness of foreign policy “.

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