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Saturn, The Most Beautiful Planet in the Solar System

Jakarta, Borneo24.com The most beautiful planet in the solar system is Saturn. Saturn is admired for its beauty because of the thousands of beautiful rings that surround it. In addition, this planet is also more complex than other planets.

Saturn was first discovered by Galileo in 1610. With a simple telescope, at that time Galileo had not yet discovered that this planet had rings, but he had realized that there was something different about this ringed planet.

Galileo described it as an arm or a handle. It was only in 1655 that a Dutch astronomer named Christiaan Huygens observed Saturn with a more sophisticated telescope. It was then known that the arm that Galileo referred to was a thin and flat ring

Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and the 2nd largest planet. This planet is also the late planet in the solar system.

It takes Saturn 29.5 years to orbit the Sun once. However, one rotation on Saturn is only 10.5 hours. The size of the planet Saturn is equivalent to 60 percent of the volume of Jupiter, but with a density or density of only one third of Jupiter.

In fact, Saturn’s density is the lowest of all objects in the solar system. This is because Saturn is a gas planet composed of hydrogen and helium.

Saturn’s rings are the most unique feature of the planet. The rings we see are the result of a very fast-moving atmosphere. At the equator, the wind speed on Saturn reaches 1,800 kilometers per hour.

Saturn’s rings are composed of various compositions, such as particles of ice and rock. The size of these particles also varies, ranging from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a house. Experts estimate the particles come from the remains of comets, asteroids, or the moon. A 2016 study also stated that the particle is part of a dwarf planet.

The largest ring is 7,000 times larger in diameter than the planet itself. The thickness of this ring is only about 9 meters. However, the Cassini-Huygens space shuttle found that there are sections of the ring up to 3 kilometers thick.

Saturn has at least 62 Moons. The largest moon, named Titan, is slightly larger than Mercury. Titan is also the second largest moon after Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede. In comparison, Earth’s Moon is the fifth largest Moon in the solar system.

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