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Saturn: The Lightest Giant Planet with Beautiful Rings

Jakarta – Saturn is known as a beautiful planet. Because this planet has a circular ring.

Beyond that, there are a number of interesting things from Saturn. This planet turns out to be the lightest planet in the universe.

Quoted from detikEdu who launched the page BBC and NASA, Saturn is a gas giant which makes it the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. As the second largest planet, Saturn also has more than 60 moons and is composed of various gases.

Even so, Saturn is given the title as the lightest planet in the universe. Because of its light weight, it is predicted that Saturn can float on water if there is a very large ocean.

How can it be like that, huh? That’s because Saturn is a gas giant planet which therefore does not have a solid surface like that of Earth. In fact, Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets in the solar system, lower than the density of water.

The most interesting feature it has is the series of rings that surround the planet. That’s why Saturn is also known as the ring planet. The rings are not solid, but are made up of many tiny pieces of rock and ice particles that orbit Saturn at the same speed.

Although it is not the only planet that has rings, Saturn’s rings are very beautiful. The rings are formed from a group of small rings that surround Saturn and are chunks of ice and rock.

The following are some of the features that Saturn has:

Very big planet
As you know, Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. It turns out that the large diameter of Saturn can reach nine Earths side by side. Amazingly, this area does not include Saturn’s rings.

Has a dim light
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun in our solar system. It is known that this planet orbits 1.4 million kilometers from the Sun.

Have short days but long years
It is known that Saturn takes about 10.7 hours to rotate on its axis or one Saturn day. Meanwhile, it takes 29 Earth years to orbit the sun.

Gas giant
This planet is a giant gas planet which therefore does not have a solid surface like that of Earth. However, the core that is owned by Saturn is estimated to be very strong.

Hot air
Saturn’s atmosphere is mostly composed of hydrogen (H2) and helium (He).

Mini solar system
Saturn is known to have 53 known moons as well as 29 additional moons that are still awaiting confirmation of their discovery so that in total the planet has around 82 moons.

Noble ring
Saturn has the most spectacular ring system compared to other planets that also have rings. The planet has seven rings and several gaps and divisions between them.

A lifeless behemoth
This nickname was given to Saturn because it cannot support life like planet Earth. However, it is known that some of Saturn’s moons have conditions that might support life.

Owns additional land from Earth
About two tons of Saturn’s mass is known to have come from Earth. This is because the Cassini spacecraft was intentionally vaporized in Saturn’s atmosphere in 2017.

Several missions have been flown to visit Saturn namely Pioneer 11 and Voyagers 1 and 2. However, a spacecraft namely Cassini is known to have orbited Saturn 294 times from 2004 to 2017.

This article was published on detikEdu with the title This planet is 9 times the size of Earth but the lightest, how come?


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