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“Saturday’s Currency Exchange Rates Against the Egyptian Pound – April 8, 2023”

Currency exchange rates against the Egyptian pound in today’s trading, Saturday, April 8, 2023, recorded remarkable stability, according to the latest update on the Central Bank of Egypt’s website.

The price of the dollar in the Central Bank of Egypt

The dollar in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 30.84 pounds for purchase and 30.95 pounds for sale.

The price of the euro in the Central Bank of Egypt

The euro in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 33.62 pounds for purchase and 33.76 pounds for sale.

The price of the pound sterling in the Central Bank of Egypt

The pound sterling recorded in the Central Bank of Egypt about 38.41 pounds for purchase and 38.58 pounds for sale.

The price of the Swiss franc in the Central Bank of Egypt

The Swiss franc recorded in the Central Bank of Egypt about 34.06 pounds for purchase and 34.20 pounds for sale.

The price of 100 Japanese yen in the Central Bank of Egypt

100 Japanese yen in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 23.45 pounds for purchase and 23.54 pounds for sale.

The price of the Saudi riyal in the Central Bank of Egypt

The Saudi riyal in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 8.21 pounds for purchase and 8.25 pounds for sale.

The price of the Kuwaiti dinar in the Central Bank of Egypt

The Kuwaiti dinar in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 100.48 pounds for purchase and 100.90 pounds for sale.

The price of the UAE dirham in the Central Bank of Egypt

The UAE dirham in the Central Bank of Egypt recorded about 8.39 pounds for purchase and 8.43 pounds for sale.

The price of the Chinese yuan in the Central Bank of Egypt

The Chinese yuan recorded in the Central Bank of Egypt about 4.48 pounds for purchase and 4.50 pounds for sale.

The price of the dollar in the International Commercial Bank

The dollar in the Commercial International Bank recorded about 30.85 pounds for purchase and 30.95 pounds for sale.

The price of the dollar in the Arab African International Bank

The dollar in the Arab African International Bank recorded about 30.85 pounds for purchase and 30.95 pounds for sale.

The price of the dollar in the United Bank

The dollar in the United Bank recorded about 30.85 pounds for purchase and 30.95 pounds for sale.

The price of the dollar in the Bank of Alexandria

The dollar in the Bank of Alexandria recorded about 30.85 pounds for purchase and 30.95 pounds for sale.

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