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Saturday, November 2, 2019 (10.00 GMT)

GENERAL ELECTIONS -Madrid- Second day of the electoral campaign with the debate polarized in the pacts to form a Government after 10N. Pedro Sánchez rules out the great coalition with the PP, although Pablo Iglesias fears an agreement of the two great parties.

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ORGANIZATION -Madrid- The Government is already preparing the next climate summit (COP25) in Madrid, an event that can gather up to 25,000 people and that represents a logistical and security challenge that must be resolved in four weeks, which are missing until the start of the appointment next December 2.


KEYS -Madrid- Climate conferences move thousands of people, from technicians to politicians, through lawyers, businessmen or journalists who for about two weeks at the end of the year, for 25 years, meet to find solutions to the climate crisis.

EURÍBOR CCAA -Madrid- Citizens of all the autonomous communities will save on average more than 60 euros per year in the payment of the next installments of mortgages, despite the fact that the Euríbor, which continues at negative rates, has risen again in October, up to -0.304%.

(File resources at www.lafototeca.com. Code 11587186 and others)



GÉRALDINE SCHWARZ -Barcelona- The Franco-German journalist Géraldine Schwarz, author of the book “Los amnesicos”, considers that “without working on historical memory, there cannot be a mature democracy” and, according to an interview with Efe, “the countries that they do not face their past, they have fragile institutions and they are vulnerable to populism. “



TRAFFIC VICTIMS -Madrid- On Thursday July 27, 2017 Ronis was left in a vegetative state after being crushed by the load of the truck he worked with. Like other traffic accident victims, he awaits financial compensation that will probably not be enough to cover the costs of his mobility. By Nathalia Díaz and Sergio Perea.

(File resources at www.lafototeca.com. Code 11573337 and others)

MANGA BARCELONA -Barcelona- Manga Barcelona is one of the “mecca” for fans to dress up as a fictional character, be it manga, anime or video game, known as “cosplayers”, who take advantage of the four days of the show to proudly wear creations that in some cases have involved many months of work and a significant investment of money. By Marc Corominas.


MTV AWARDS -Sevilla- The Americans Green Day warm up the headquarters of the European Music Awards of the MTV network, which will be delivered this Sunday in Seville, with a great concert in the emblematic Plaza de España of the city in which they could anticipate songs from the which will be their next studio album, “Father of All …”. By Javier Herrero.


ELECTRONIC SPORTS -Madrid- Invictus Gaming and FunPlus Phoenix fans are in Madrid today, in one of the decisive matches of the League of Legends ‘Worlds’ championship, which promises to turn Vistalegre into an electronic sports party. By Celia Sierra.

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GENERAL ELECTIONS FRANCO -Madrid- Franco does not vote

YOUTH CATALONIA CRISIS -Barcelona- Hopelessness for an uncertain future underlies student protests

CHILDREN’S VILLAGES -Madrid- Juan’s two lives

CARLES MUNDÓ -Barcelona- Carles Mundó: “Violence is a losing path”

GASTRONOMY JAPAN -Madrid- Japanese gastronomy from A to Z in “Oishii”






10: 30h.- Santiago de Compostela.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The former Minister of Education and socialist spokesman in the Madrid Assembly, Ángel Gabilondo, and the PSdeG general secretary, Gonzalo Caballero, accompanied by the Mayor of Santiago, Xosé Sánchez Bugallo , they take a walk through the city food market. (Photo). San Fiz Church.

10: 30h.- Segovia.- PP ELECTIONS.- The PP Deputy Secretary for Territorial Policy, Antonio González Terol, holds a meeting with candidates from the province of Segovia and attends to the media. (Photo). Headquarters of the PP.

11:30 am.- Zamora.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The PSOE Deputy Secretary General, Adriana Lastra, gives a press conference prior to an electoral campaign visit to the Zamora region of Sanabria. (Photo).

11: 30h.- Salamanca.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The president of the PSOE, Cristina Narbona, participates in an act paying tribute to the Salamanca socialists who have been working for more than 40 years. (Photo). Fonseca College.

11: 45h.- Malaga.- PP ELECTIONS.- The former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and leaders of the Malaga PP visit the Museum of the City of Antequera. Museum of the City of Antequera.

12: 00h.- Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) .- UNITED ELECTIONS WE CAN.- Campaign event of En Comú Podem with the title “Women, dialogue, solutions”, with the interventions of the Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, the United Podemos spokesperson in Congress, Irene Montero, and Senate candidate Rosa Lluch

12: 00h.- Oviedo.- VOX ELECTIONS.- The president of Vox and candidate for the presidency of the Government, Santiago Abascal, offers a campaign rally in Oviedo. (Photo). Oviedo Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions.

12: 00h.- Mislata (Valencia) .- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The PSOE general secretary and acting Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, offers a rally in a sports hall in Mislata (photo) (video). El Quint Pavilion. C /. Sant Antoni, 148.

12: 00h.- Valencia.- MORE COUNTRY ELECTIONS.- The candidate for the presidency of the Government for More Country, Íñigo Errejón, stars in a meeting with the Compromís candidates, with whom his formation is presented in coalition for the next elections general (photo). Olympia Theater. C / San Vicente, 44.

12: 00h.- Girona.- JXCAT ELECTIONS.- The head of the JxCat list for the Congress in Barcelona, ​​Laura Borràs, attends the media from Girona. Catalonian square.

12: 00h.- Segovia.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The president of the European Socialist Group, Iratxe García, visits the house museum of the poet Antonio Machado along with candidates from his party (photo). Calle de los Desamparados, 5.

12: 00h.- Murcia.- PP ELECTIONS.- The PP spokeswoman in the European Parliament, Dolors Monserrat visits a farm in Coy (Lorca) and meets with rural women. Casa Grande de Coy hostel. Lorca.

12: 00h.- Lugo.- BNG ELECTIONS.- The BNG’s national spokesperson, Ana Pontón, stars in a rally in Lugo accompanied by the candidate for Congress for that province, Olalla Rodil (photo). Lucus Augusti Institute.

12: 15h.- Madrid.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The PSOE-M general secretary, José Manuel Franco, participates in an informative table to explain to the citizens the SOCIALIST electoral program. Prosperity Square.

12: 30h.- Lalín (Pontevedra) .- PP ELECTIONS.- The PP leader and candidate for the presidency of the Government, Pablo Casado, participates in a rally in Lalín (Pontevedra) accompanied by the head of the popular Galicians and head of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (photo). Polygon.

12: 30h.- Tarragona.- PSC ELECTIONS.- The acting Minister of Justice, Dolores Delgado, attends to the media before participating in a meeting with militants in Tarragona. La Cantonada restaurant. C / Fortuny, 23.

12: 30h.- Tarragona.- CITIZENS ELECTIONS.- Electoral act for Citizens in Tarragona, with the head of the list for the Congress for Barcelona, ​​Inés Arrimadas, the party’s national spokesperson and leader in Catalonia, Lorena Roldán, and the candidate for Tarragona Sergio del Campo. C / Rambla Nova, 1.

12: 30h.- Las Navas del Marqués (Ávila) .- PP ELECTIONS.- The PP spokesman in the Senate, Javier Maroto, visits the town of Las Navas del Marqués in Avila accompanied by popular candidates for the Upper House Juan Pablo Martín and Patricia Rodríguez. Plaza del Cristo.

13: 00h.- Madrid.- DEBATE ELECTIONS.- Press conference of spokespersons and debate team among the five candidates for the presidency of the parties with the highest representation on November 4. Glass Pavilion of the Casa de Campo. (photo) (video)

13: 00h.- Andújar (Jaén) .- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The PSOE Secretary for Equality and acting Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo, participates in an electoral act in Andújar (Jaén). Hotel del Val, Hermanos del Val street, 1.

13: 00h.- Murcia.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The acting Minister of Culture and Sport and candidate for Almería to the Congress of Deputies, José Guirao, visits the Old Public Market of La Unión (Murcia), headquarters of the International Festival of the Sing of the Mines. Avenida del Cante. The Union.

13: 00h.- Medina de Pomar (Burgos) .- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, participates in an electoral act together with candidates of that formation.

13: 00h.- Barcelona.- CATALONIA CRISIS.- Press conference of relatives of independentistas detained in recent weeks. Plaça del Rei.

13: 30h.- Almuñécar (Granada) .- CITIZENS ‘ELECTIONS.- The national secretary of the Organization of Citizens (Cs) and candidate for training in Congress for Granada, Fran Hervías, attends to the media before a walk. Puerta Blas Infante.

18: 00h.- Madrid.- WE CAN CUTS.- Pablo Echenique, Secretary of Government Action, Institutional Action and Podemos Program and candidate of Unidas Podemos to the Congress in Zaragoza, and Isa Serra, spokesperson for Unidas Podemos in the Madrid Assembly , participate in the concentration ‘The cuts from above’. Monforte de Lemos Avenue with Sinesio Delgado.

19: 00h.- Toledo.- VOX ELECTIONS.- The general secretary of Vox, Javier Ortega Smith, participates in a campaign act accompanied by the candidate of Vox to Congress for Toledo Manuel Mariscal (photo). El Greco Conference Center. Paseo del Miradero, s / n.

19: 00h.- Madrid.- VOX ELECTIONS.- The president of Vox Madrid, Rocío Monasterio, and the spokesperson for Vox in the Congress of Deputies, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, participate in an electoral act for young people. Berlin park auditorium.

21: 20h.- Madrid.- PSOE ELECTIONS.- The acting Prime Minister and Socialist General Secretary, Pedro Sánchez, is interviewed in La Sexta.



12: 00h.- Madrid.- ELECTRONIC SPORTS.- Invictus Gaming and FunPlus Phoenix fans are in Madrid today, in one of the decisive matches of the League of Legends ‘Worlds’ championship, which promises to turn Vistalegre into a party of electronic sports. (Photo). Vistalegre Palace.

7:00 p.m. – Seville.- MUSIC MTV.- The US group Green Day gives a concert in the Plaza de España in Seville, which is expected to be crowded, in which the Spanish León Benavente also perform, prior to the delivery gala of the MTV EMA Awards (photo). Spain Square.



Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food


12:00 h. He is interviewed in the program “Surco y Marea”, by Cadena SER Andalucía.


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