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Satisfaction with Jokowi decreases as a result of rising fuel prices, Adian compares with SBY


The results of the Indonesian political indicators survey show the level of public satisfaction with the president’s performance Joko Widodo (Jokowi) it fell 10% after rising fuel prices. Indonesian House of Representatives member Adian Napitupulu compared President Jokowi’s decline in satisfaction with that of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in 2013 after rising fuel prices

“The satisfaction level (Jokowi) was the last 62.6%. When compared and the same level of satisfaction in the SBY 2013 period, according to SMRC it was around 55%, if I’m not mistaken. Then, according to LSI, about 35% if I’m not mistaken, but it can be done in cross-checking, ”Adian said in the release of the Indonesian Political Indicators survey, which aired on YouTube on Sunday (9/18/2022).

“This means that, in the period near the end of the term, if we compare the SBY and Jokowi periods in the midst of rising fuel prices, I see that Jokowi is still high,” he added.


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Adian then explained the survey data he had collected regarding the level of public satisfaction with SBY’s performance when he raised fuel prices in 2013. From that data, Adian said that the level of public satisfaction with Jokowi was even better than SBY.

“The SMRC is 55.8% in 2013, the LSI is 35.9%, which is very low. Compared to such a head-to-head, Jokowi is even better today, even though Jokowi’s poll was actually conducted 2 days after the fuel price increase, “he said.

Furthermore, Adian explained that the percentage increase in fuel prices during the SBY era was greater than during the Jokowi era. House of Representatives Commissioner VII in charge of energy said the percentage increase in fuel prices during the SBY era was 254%.

“In total, in terms of the percentage increase over the SBY president, the SBY president has increased by about 254% in 10 years. Meanwhile, President Jokowi has only increased the percentage by 54%. This is in percentage terms.” he has declared.

The ’98 activist then described in more detail the rise in fuel prices during the SBY and Jokowi era. Adian said the total increase in fuel prices under President Jokowi was 3,500 rupees.

“In terms of numbers, the total increase in fuel prices in the SBY era was Rs 4,690. While in President Jokowi’s era, the fuel increase was Rs 3,500. So, numerically, the The total increase in fuel prices in the SBY administration was Rp. 1,190 compared to the Jokowi era. “In percentage or in terms of numbers, yes, the increase was greater during the 10-year era of the SBY president than to Jokowi, “he said.

However, Adian still sees weaknesses in the Jokowi government to raise fuel prices. He saw the weakness of the Jokowi era, which is the issue of socialization, both in terms of the plan to increase it to the subsidized budget of Rp 502 trillion that had been disbursed.

“What are the weaknesses? We may not broadcast these comparisons massively, so that they affect the public opinion interviewed earlier. But it doesn’t matter. In my opinion, then this government will not be able to satisfy everyone,” Adian said. .

“At the same time, we may be weak in reporting that, for example, Rp 502 trillion is the total subsidy for energy, which includes subsidies for gas, electricity, including fuel,” he added.

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