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Satellite Image Shows Location of Suspected MH370 Crash in Cambodian Forests


Investigators of the mystery of the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 claims to find the location of the ‘impact impact’ deep in the Cambodian jungle. This gives new hope to solve the mystery of the disappearance of plane MH370 since 2014.

Reported from Express.co.uk, Tuesday (12/21/2021), flight MH370 disappeared from radar on March 8 2014, shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing. Until now its existence is still an unsolved mystery.

What happened to the Boeing 777-200ER and the 239 people on board is unknown. However, the incident has sparked a poaching for the truth that shows no sign of stopping, even 7 years after the tragedy.

Now, Andre Milne of Unicorn Aerospace claims he and his team may be close to solving the mystery of MH370’s disappearance. He claims to have found satellite imagery of what he describes as an ‘impact event’ deep in the Cambodian jungle.

He said he had cross-referenced the images with his contacts at the US Pentagon and the White House. Milne said he intends to launch a helicopter reconnaissance mission in early 2022.

The last communication by the crew of MH370 was recorded over the South China Sea about 38 minutes after takeoff. Shortly after, air traffic controllers lost track of the plane, but it was still tracked by military radar for about 1 hour.

Radar data showed the plane deviated from its planned route and disappeared about 200 nautical miles northwest of the Malaysian island of Penang.

Milne believes the plane may have crashed over Cambodia, which is in northeastern Malaysia, between Thailand and Vietnam. This allegation comes after some evidence showed the missing plane was last pinged across the country but the information was initially ignored.

“My Pentagon contacts basically ordered me to get a covert recon team on the ground as soon as possible. Two teams were finally formed by the best covert reconnaissance crew I’ve worked with who after months of planning went into the Cambodian jungle last Monday and pinpointing the crash site was nearly impossible. to be reached on foot and then sent by reconnaissance drone. to confirm the state of the crash site which is now completely overgrown with forest vegetation. Meaning, the only way someone can reach the location now is by reconnaissance helicopter. That is being worked on right now,” he said.

Read more on the next page.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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