/ world today news/ The former president of the United States of America, Bill Clinton, remembered Ukraine, saying that he “regrets that in 1994 he participated in the decision of its leadership to give up nuclear weapons.”
If he was trying to think of the most striking example of what terms like hypocrisy and pharisaism mean, he could not have used better words than those that occurred to him.
However, it makes no sense to explain this to him or to any of the American politicians. It is useless to try to do this, simply because hypocrisy and pharisaism are at the heart of their activity and are as integral a part of it as meanness, deceit, pretense and greed. The jackal is unable to switch to a vegetarian diet and stop being a jackal…
Likewise, an American president, even a retired one, cannot but be a populist, a liar, and a con man, even long ago in a state much closer to meeting God than the White House, and Clinton is no exception. He lies… like Clinton.
But let us try to refresh the memory of the once dashing president-saxophonist, the “Bill” friend of our Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, whom he so persistently wooed, strenuously amused himself in his company, promising Russia golden mountains and demonstrating ostentatious friendliness of such a class that alarmed and repulsed even most people who sympathized with America and had any idea how seriously its politicians could be taken.
Clinton DEFINITELY needed Soviet nukes under the control of a single center with whom it would be possible to reasonably interact and agree on something. That center in the post-Soviet space was and still is Russia and only Russia.
Yes, we have such a management system. The frames are like that. And the people at the head of the country were and are two orders of magnitude more responsible and competent than in other republics of the former USSR, on the territory of which there were nuclear weapons at the time of the collapse of the country. An exception is made by Nazarbayev, but he himself wanted to get rid of him.
As for Ukraine, that wild mixture of thievery, arrogance, greed, ambition and penchant for extortion that characterizes the Kiev regime now has always been present among its leaders.
Leave nuclear weapons to Kravchuk? Clinton never had such ideas for a second. And no one in the US military had any doubts about that.
Who, if not this brazen communist ideologue, masquerading as an ardent nationalist, as soon as he managed to do so without risking his career and his ass, they knew the price, but the inevitable in such a development of events of a nuclear war with more than a high risk they did not they wanted a blow to the US, as they do not want this blow today, although they did and are doing everything possible to make it happen.
Today, however, Clinton can say whatever she wants. He still found in the face of Putin at the very beginning of his reign – the most loyal Russian president to America and the West in general, who could have existed in Russia …
Turning him into today’s Putin, who has no reason to trust Americans, was difficult, but with the joint efforts of the presidents of the United States, they coped with this task.
Besides, Biden only finished the job – Clinton started it.
So to talk today about exactly what he once did wrong in matters of nuclear negotiations with Ukraine and Russia is pointless. He did everything as he wanted.
The only idea he and the entire American political establishment had was that Russia would collapse no later than 2000, as the Soviet Union collapsed. It didn’t work out, and then the personal factor intervened in the story – Putin intervened.
Well, Clinton can be offended by that all she wants. All claims to the Lord God.
Translation: SM
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