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Sat volleyball is open for spectators to enter the field. The Thai League battle starts 27 Feb.

25 Feb. 2021, 12:00—–

Sen. Volleyball is preparing to allow fans to return rubber balls to visit the field. The Thai League 2021 battle begins on Saturday, February 27.

On February 25, ’64, Mr. Somporn Jaime Bangyang, President of the Volleyball Association of Thailand. Emphasize volleyball fans who will attend the Daikin tournament. Volleyball Thailand League season 2021 must strictly adhere to preventive measures. By preparing to open for viewing starting Saturday, February 27, which is the last week of the first leg

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Mr. Somporn said, “After the Royal Thai Volleyball Association gave a helping hand to our Volleyball Association in providing opportunities for the audience to watch the Thailand League match And the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has announced the mobilization to follow BEC has determined, but also to implement the measures prescribed by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports have also prescribed competition measures. And today he had a meeting to discuss and set clear guidelines that Part of the audience and the part that enters the field, we are clearly separated. The audience was the audience who went up on the field, but there was no COVID test here. But in the part that goes into the field, whether it be all officials, athletes or the media All broadcasting teams on the court are required to check COVID as the same precautionary measures until the end of the match.

Today we talked to the person in charge of the Nimibutr Building, that the Department of Physical Education has cooperated very well. I think there should be no problem. The subject of the opening of the competition of people watching during the Thailand League last year And early Of the Thailand League competition this year, we have already let the audience watch it It is unlikely that there will be any problems and obstacles. We ask for your cooperation. Follow the staff And obey the responsible officer We use volunteers to protect the territory of the Department of Provincial Administration. Come to help proceed, please ask for cooperation with us so that the operation can be completed successfully. And is an example and a prototype for organizing the competition as well

For this measure, the audience will be able to watch the Thailand League match, which will begin on Saturday, February 27, and journalists who come down to the field must follow the measures, namely, the COVID check is required. But if not in the stadium, but in the stands, and the audience and making this news, it helps that COVID is not checked. “

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