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Sarri, resolution with Juve not taken for granted: negotiations underway between the parties

16 June 2019 – 8 August 2020: the adventure of Maurizio Sarri in Turin on the Juventus bench it lasted just over a year. Year that for all the vicissitudes that have characterized the whole world and, inevitably, even football seemed much longer than it really was. Several complications which arose over time between the Juventus ranks: come on complicated relationships and never really made stable with the team and the difficulty in fully convincing his players of the goodness of his game ideas up to a market that did not support his theses but also the lack of conviction of the former Chelsea in making very specific requests on useful profiles. In short, a feeling never really taken with the whole Juventus environment despite the good intentions of the start. However, the season, despite everything, brought the ninth consecutive championship for Madama and the first for Maurizio Sarri: goals that are anything but trivial that deserve due recognition for all parties involved.

CHAPTER RESOLUTION, NEGOTIATION IN PROGRESS – The coach signed a three-year contract with Juventus in the summer of 2019 for around 6 million euros per season. Agreement presenting a clause which allows the Old Lady to terminate the agreement with the payment of a penalty of 2.5 million euros for the former blue one year in advance. When Juventus decided last August they wanted to interrupt their working relationship with Sarri, they presented the coach with one first offer for contractual termination: proposal rejected and not considered satisfactory by the technician. There negotiation between the two sides goes on for weeks but the possibility that Maurizio Sarri could not seem so certain decide to withdraw from the contract and therefore renounce the net 8.5 million (one year plus clause) agreed more than a year ago. It goes without saying, for the Continassa club budget to save a part of this figure would be a cure-all. The one that could blow the bank, and that has not yet appeared, is the interest of another company. So in that case, with a fascinating project for him, almost certainly in our Serie A, Sarri would reflect on convenience of breaking free from the agreement in black and white and make yourself available to the new club. Maybe just that Fiorentina which, and this is no secret, causes him to have very sweet memories and sensations and with which he has a special sentimental bond.

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