The women’s U19s are an example, as well as the seniors who are now firmly anchored to the R1 championship, and constitute the club’s team to evolve at national level.

With its licensees, Sarcelles is becoming a stronghold of women’s football in Ile-de-France. Yet at the start not everything was won as confirmed by Nader Azlouk, the club’s female referent. With a succession of randomness and the desire, at the start, of a handful of girls to come and play football with the colors of their own city. ” I remind them that they were on the ground a little left to themselves “ to remember Nader Azlouk. ” I have this mentality of not admitting to seeing people failing to blossom into their passion. Everyone should be able to play football, be it girls, boys, young, old, whatever the color of their skin.

She therefore decides to take charge of the destiny of these girls and will build and develop this women’s section with the support of the club, which will provide the means and invest by offering educators, equipment and making land available. ” We have not stopped progressing and it has taken long years of work, constant investments and sometimes even suffering. admits Nader Azlouk. ” We modeled ourselves on Sarcelles’ model and know-how in boys taking into account the different psychology of girls. They have their own approach to competition. They attach more importance to their environment, to the general atmosphere around them.

With the results we know today started with two successive increases from departmental to R2 between 2017 and 2019 and continued in 2020 with a historic double membership for the club with the first in R1 and U18 in the U19 National Championship. Even though he took a step back from the daily life of all these girls, Nader Azlouk keeps a watchful eye on this evolution as a contact person, welcoming the teamwork done. ” In particular, we benefited from the unfailing support of our Sporting Director, Mohammed Coulibaly, who in particular asked that qualified coaches take care of these girls. This adventure with women is in the image of the Sarcelles club where passion and cohesion are at the center of everything, with this common desire to transcend, through football, the difficulties of every person in everyday life.


It is obviously its symbol, its icon. Riad Mahrez (photo) Algerian national team and Manchester City star, he learned football in Sarcelles. He will stay there until his 18th birthday and a departure for Quimper. He will then be in Le Havre, Leicester and the great Manchester City.

If Riyad Mahrez is obviously the club’s great pride, he is not the only one to have made a name for himself in the world of football after moving from Sarcelles. Steve Yago (Toulouse, Le Havre, Caen), Herita Illunga (Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, West Ham, Stade Rennais), Gerard Gnanhouan (Guingamp, Sochaux, Montpellier) or more recently Eric Junior Dina-Ebimbé (PSG) e Lenny Pintor (Brest, Lyon, Troyes) have also marked the club with their talent.

And the succession is ready as confirmed Medune Diopresponsible for pre-training, which emphasizes the care with which educators watch over their protected young people: ” In the pre-training, the emphasis is on the individual development of the young person, on the technique, on the understanding of the game and character, also inculcating the notion of competition. Alongside this there is also a balance to be found with the collective approach, explaining that individual expression can be limited by this essential collective dimension. “A happy means that we also find in the apprehension of the result. ” At that age, we’re a bit in between “Says Médoune Diop. ” They come out of football school where the notion of fulfillment is fundamental and they are before the actual competition. In the same way we try to focus on the quality of the game obviously without overshadowing the result. »A philosophy that is part of the general mood of the club that reminds us of the coach:” What matters to us at Sarcelles is to transmit the values ​​of sharing and mutual help. This is also why our former players, who have become professionals, come back to visit us a lot. Like us, they have this desire to transmit accompanied by a true humility that allows them to keep their feet on the ground. »A winning mix that gives results as confirmed by Médoune Diop. ” Since I have been working for the club, 13 or 14 players have been with us and now they make a living from football and about fifty at the moment in the various training centers. In Sarcelles we are lucky enough to be a city of football, but there is also this rigor, this most professional work possible that explains the results.


If Paris-Saint-Germain decided two years ago to end its partnerships with amateur clubs in the Ile-de-France region, AAS Sarcelles has been, for six seasons, a reference club for the flagship institution that represents PSG.It was flattering to our image admits Mohamed Coulibaly. ” Recognition and gratification continues the Sporting Director. With a certain forerunner of this partnership Eric Junior Dina-Ebimbé (photo) left Sarcelles in 2012 to enter the PSG training center.

The young Parisian midfielder, initially loaned to Le Havre and Dijon and crowned with a selection with the France Espoirs team, made numerous appearances on the pitch last season alongside Mbappé, Messi and Neymar. To complete his lineup, he has just been loaned to Eintracht Frankfort to get to know the Bundesliga and, why not, the Champions League! Alerted by the talent of the young Sarcelloises, PSG therefore decided to sign this partnership that allowed Nehemia Fernandez Veliz and Bilal Laurendon, two young people of the club, to evolve within the Parisian training center. ” It was very rewarding concludes Mohamed Coulibaly. ” We discussed a lot about working methods, especially with the director of the training center. He helped us grow.


Today the football team has become more than just a place to play sports. The Sarcelles club is the perfect example of this, having set itself the goal of ” to open the mind of its young graduates, of ” show them all the beauty and diversity of the world around us“. And to achieve this goal, Sarcelles has given itself the means, in particular with young people in “civic service” who bring all their skills, their enthusiasm and their energy.

Like it Guljar Miah, former player and referee of the club who, in parallel with his studies, accompanies young people to the museum, organizes, with his companions, debates of ideas, raises awareness of ecology and social actions through the looting or collection of toys for the most needy. A whole range of actions that allow its young people to integrate fully into their environment and above all show them the full range of possibilities available to them far beyond football.

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