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‘Sarah Pallin’ on the arm of Trump, in Madrid

“Socialism or freedom”. Was the new war cry of our authentic and peculiar Sarah Pallin, from the moment in which he announced the dissolution of the Madrid Assembly and the calling of early elections.

The cry lasted just three days because, before the “bomb” that the indefatigable P. Iglesias later released, announcing his presentation as a candidate for the presidency of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, the cry and the slogan became “Communism or freedom”. Thus, without complexes, as her guru, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, whispers in her ear, who knows a lot about this and has promised to take her to Moncloa, as he did in his day with Ansar, on two occasions and in two different venues, Valladolid and Madrid (the Junta de Castilla y León and the Presidency of Spain).

The land has been fertilized for some time. Franco’s heirs, PP and Vox version, have taken to the streets with or without a pandemic (before they did not go out, they took refuge in their private farms as in The National shotgun, de Berlanga ”) to the cry of freedom, freedom!

There was a time when the words that emerged from the individual or collective clandestinity were muzzled and became themselves the treasure to be preserved because our lives and the future were in it. A future that we only glimpsed beyond the Pyrenees, in the books, in the cinema, in the underground theater. We screamed so loudly because we had the feeling that maybe tomorrow we couldn’t scream anymore. It did not matter if in the end we did not achieve any of the objectives for which we had been summoned. We had shouted freedom, freedom, freedom! Until we were exhausted. That cry that our parents and grandparents could not do because they were risking their lives. We did it for them too.

Ayuso’s brain does not give much. When he merely repeats the slogans of his guru, her face lights up like when kids discover they’ve said something clever. When he tries to go on his own, he gets that saying, “as everyone knows, the d of covid-19, it means that the virus was found in December ”(instead of the English term disease) or “the essence of Madrid culture is traffic jams”, “the unborn child will be considered another member of the family” or, the unconscious betrays him and reveals his true ideology, “When they call us fascists, it means that we are in the right direction in history”, “Vox does not propose anything that I have not seen before within the PP.” White and bottled.

In any case, it should be noted that they are not original in this either. They pick up the winds that blow since economic neoliberalism along with civic / social ultra-conservatism dominate Western democracies in a new form of fascism and the culmination of which we have experienced live and direct with the assault on the US Capitol, after four years of feeding the snake’s egg from the White House.

The economic neoliberalism It came from the hand of the Reagan / Tatcher tandem and the ultra-conservative “contribution”, from the hand of the governor of Alaska, Sarah Pallin, who woke up the ultra wing of the Republican party, whose apotheosis was embodied in Donald Trump. Since then they discovered the philosopher’s stone to end the flimsy social rights. “Socialism or freedom” was the cry of the anti-abortion activist and defender of the rifle association, Sarah Pallin, and she was present at Trump’s rallies, chanted by his hosts, rally after rally, year after year.

They had no qualms about calling a guy educated in the values ​​of American liberalism who represents the most centrist wing of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, a dangerous socialist. The American people do not know what democratic socialism is. They have never had the experience of a socialist government, like we have had in Europe since the end of the Second World War. For them, socialism is what happened in the USSR or in Cuba and little else. That is why they flee like the plague when someone talks about public health. Obama tried and was branded a socialist. There is no room for public policies in the USA because everything has to be subject to the laws of the market. Everything is business.

This is what they intend to import from the America of the trumpismo. That’s what Steve Bannon came to Europe for, after raising Trump to the White House. Bannon knows well what he wants: “A unified populist agenda”, global and agglutinating that ends with the established order. Your strategy: “Focus on a handful of messages, people don’t care about the rest.”

Wilhem Reich, en su Mass psychology of fascism (1933), he already warned before Hitler came to power, during the German crisis from 1930 to 1933, “fascism is nothing but the politically organized expression of the character structure of the average man, a structure that is not linked neither to certain races or nations nor to certain parties, but it is general and international ”.

In this long month until the Madrid elections, we will get tired of hearing, “socialism or freedom”. Socialism as an insult (or communism, for them it does not matter it is the “bogeyman”). Freedom, not to pay taxes. Freedom to privatize our entire social legacy (health, public education, pensions …). Freedom to disobey the anti-covid-19 measures of science. Freedom to infect ourselves. Enter a bar in Madrid, owners and clients adore our native Pallin, because it has not submitted to the dictates of the “social-communist” government of Moncloa. Open bar.

They are not used to serious political debate, to the debate on the real problems of citizens. Theirs is the mud, the quagmire, they move like fish in the water in those sewers. Insult as a political tool is your best weapon. It is impossible to win them in that field because behind the insult the smile of cynicism appears that attests to their filthiness. In the control session of the government on March 17, in the face of the suffocating neighborhood atmosphere carried out by PP / Vox, the deputy of Más País, Iñigo Errejón, introduced in the debate the mental health problem of the Spanish Alarmingly exacerbated by the pandemic, he appealed to the Government to take urgent measures. The PP / Vox bench laughed, made fun of the deputy and, between shouts and insults, they advised him: “Go to the doctor!”

But, who really put the icing on the cynicism, was the Murcian olive pit throwing champion, the general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea, in response to the intervention of the Prime Minister, who disfigured his political behavior in the failed motion of censure against the Murcian government, fostering political corruption through transfuguismo (despite the pacts signed in this regard by all political parties to eradicate these miserable behaviors from politics), he replied: “What you call transfuguismo, for the Spaniards is dignity “. There it is.

Marcelo Noboa Fiallo is a partner of infoFree

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