Home » today » Technology » Sarah Fraisou promotes capsules to “tighten the vagina” and SCANDALIZE her subscribers (video)

Sarah Fraisou promotes capsules to “tighten the vagina” and SCANDALIZE her subscribers (video)

A few days ago, Sarah Fraisou promoted an unusual product on social networks. The former reality TV candidate praises the virtues of “100% natural” capsules to tighten the vagina. Many subscribers were disappointed and outraged by this product placement, but also by the reasons given by the young woman on Snapchat.

I received so many confidences from women who tell me “Listen, my husband cheated on me because it does not fit in bed anymore”“, launches Sarah Fraisou.

His words shocked his subscribers who were quick to react. “It’s a joke I hope? Making cheated women feel guilty because they have a “not tight” vagina so that they take dangerous pills to tighten all that?”, “Making cheated women feel guilty because they don’t have a tight vagina supposedly, I think you’re dreaming“.

Overwhelmed by the number of messages, the ex-candidate of the Angels of reality TV ended up responding. “I will cut short any polemic which will be launched on me because you like too much to distort the words of the people (…) I never said that your guys cheated on you because of that (…) listen well to what I say. I’m just exposing you a problem of women who actually talk to me“, tried to justify the young woman. But this product placement is clearly not causing a bad buzz.

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