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Sarah Altobello eliminated, seven in televoting for the first finalist

March 03, 202301:22

New appointment with the reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini. Davide, Antonella, Tavassi, Andrea, Micol, Nikita and Oriana will challenge each other for first place in the final.

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Big Brother VIP” has reached the thirty-eighth episode. In this new appointment of the reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini the three exes, who entered the House a few weeks ago now, have all left the game. Edoardo Donnamaria, Antonella Fiordelisi and Nicole Murgia had a face-to-face meeting in the studio but the positions remain irreconcilable. The heated discussion between Davide Donadei and Edoardo Tavassi also warmed spirits in the house. Sarah Altobello loses the televoting challenge with Antonella, Nikita, Donnamaria and Tavassi and she has to leave the house. The nominees of the week are Davide, Antonella, Tavassi, Andrea, Micol, Nikita and Oriana: the most voted will be the first finalist of this edition.

Photogallery – The emotions of the thirty-eighth episode of “GfVip”

Alfonso Signorini opens the episode of “Big Brother Vip” by greeting the two commentators Orietta Berti and Sonia Bruganelli and Giulia Salemi in charge of social networks and then connects with the House by immediately declaring televoting closed: the games are already done.

The Donnalisis at the showdown She recovers from the end (but will it be like this?) of the relationship between Edoardo and Antonella, with his “toccatina” at the breast of the Murgia as the straw that broke the camel’s back. After what happened in the episode, attempts at clarification were worthless. Signorini asks Antonella what is different from the usual. She replies that their relationship was already in crisis and that was the last thing. But Edoardo has another explanation: according to him the fact is that the other times the quarrels were caused by the girl’s behavior, while in this round it was he who lacked respect. Donnamaria then accuses Fiordelisi of having done a whole series of things in recent months with the deliberate intention of provoking him and therefore making him feel bad.

Oriana’s support In this situation in recent days, Oriana’s position has stood out who, despite having always had disagreements with Antonella, after what happened put herself in her shoes and approached her. To the point of not wanting to name her so as not to add pain to her pain. And Oriana hasn’t even bothered to go against her friends, like Tavassi and Murgia, who instead think that Antonella exaggerates and is taking the ball. Micol and Tavassi didn’t like this attitude, who see Oriana’s behavior behind the strategy. Bruganelli intervenes from the studio who is furious against Tavassi, defined by her as the most sneaky and manipulative competitor she has ever seen at GfVip. Tavassi replies with a hard face accusing her of not seeing the GfVip and therefore of not knowing what she is talking about.

Antonella and Edoardo in the studio Fiordelisi arrives in the studio to talk about her relationship with Donnamaria without knowing that he is behind the scenes listening to her. When Alfonso asks her if he didn’t exaggerate with her reaction to her “toccatina” at the Murgia, she replies no, because it’s the context in which the thing happened that bothered her. Edoardo then enters to whom Alfonso asks if he still loves Antonella. He confirms that he still has a very strong feeling for her but the problem is not their feeling, it’s their relationship. The Murgia is then involved. She turns to Fiordelisi telling her that she doesn’t want to go down to her level by referring to things that he has heard from her. In any case Edoardo reiterates several times that when they are out he will go look for Antonella. Once Antonella has gone, Antonino enters and claims that Edoardo is playing his game badly.

Antonella and David Once back in the Casa Alfonso teases the two by showing a video in which Antonella embraces Davide. The boy denies any interest by pointing out that his mind is “outside the house” and assures that he sees Antonella as a younger sister. Edoardo, on the other hand, is immediately seized with jealousy and remembers how Fiordelisi, on the other hand, does not see him as an older brother because she once told him that Davide reminded her of her ex-boyfriend.

The first result of the televoting It’s time to find out the verdict of the public. The five nominated are called in front of the LED to hear the result. The first to escape is Antonella, followed by Nikita. Thus remain the two Edoardo and Sarah.

The node of the ex of the House Tonight we will discover the fate of the three ex who entered a few weeks ago. The first couple to be examined is that of Luca and Ivana, who are called in Superled. The two met again in the house. Onestini says he is happy, Ivana gives him serenity and makes him feel good and hopes he will still stay. She too defines herself as very happy even if she wouldn’t mind leaving her because the climate in the House is very heavy. Alfonso tells them that Ivana has to leave the game and asks Onestini if ​​their lives will cross again after the Gf. He replies in the affirmative even though he doesn’t know what will happen next. The two greet each other with a hug and a few tears.

The clash between Davide and Tavassi The two boys were the protagonists of a tough fight. Blame a comment by Tavassi who did not accept Davide’s criticism of Donnamaria’s behavior and accused him of preaching well and raiding badly. After seeing the video of what happened Donadei apologizes to everyone for his behavior, Tavassi instead increases the dose and accuses him of having apologized because he fears the nomination and the opinion of the public. Signorini then shows a poisonous tweet from Davide’s ex to which the boy reacts badly.

The verdict of the televoting It’s time to find out who has to leave the House. Between the two Edoardo and Sarah, the one who saves is Donnamaria. So Tavassi and Sarah play it. And the VIP who must immediately leave the house is Sarah, thus eliminated for the second time and this time with no possibility of returning. Just outside the red door waiting for her is Toni Toscano who makes her a marriage proposal complete with a ring. She accepts the ring but about marriage she says she has to think about it…

The difficult relationship between Oriana and Daniele The relationship between the two always fluctuates. Dal Moro in particular has been very angry in recent days because Oriana wanted to speak to Martina to ask her something about him. Especially since the boy seems very cold in physical approach. Martina wanted to reassure her by explaining that Daniele is different from many men and before letting go she wants to test the person she has in front of her. A new heated discussion then breaks out between Martina and Daniele which confirms that the relationship between the two is definitively closed. She herself confirms this to Alfonso who then invites her to leave her house. However, Martina’s exit does not serve to appease Daniele’s anger who also takes it out on Oriana because by going to ask her for information she still gave her the opportunity to talk about him.

A surprise for Donnamaria Edoardo is called to the courtyard where, after being frozen, he meets his father Enzo. The father scolds him because he didn’t follow his advice, because he did terrible nonsense and above all for having made a narrative error. He warns him that by continuing to talk about everything with this and that, things get distorted also because everyone plays their own game by telling things that are not true.

It will be a televoting with a twist The new televoting will establish the first finalist of this edition but the Vipponi will not know it and will think of voting for the competitor to be eliminated. Thus began the nominations with the pyramids. Antonella is the first and from the confessional she votes for Tavassi, followed by Onestini who, true to himself, mentions the name of Nikita. Giaele goes to the confessional and mentions Antonella. Nikita is the first to make an open nomination and mentions Micol’s name. Andrea also has an obvious nomination and “gives” it to Oriana. Milena from the confessional mentions Davide’s name, Micol instead names Antonella in a clear way. Alberto mentions Davide in the confessional. Edoardo does the same but in a clear way.

The last ex of the House It remains to be understood what will be the fate of the last couple of the House, namely that of Matteo and Nikita. She says finding it was useful because they found a dialogue. Matteo says he has discovered that ex-boyfriends can remain friends and that he will always keep Nikita in his heart. Having said that, he can go out through the red door and leave the house.

The remaining nominations He resumes with Oriana who clearly mentions Andrea, who appears a little annoyed by the thing. So it’s up to Tavassi who draws the black pyramid and names Davide. Daniele with the red light goes to the confessional and mentions Antonella’s name. The latest nomination belongs to Davide and goes to Tavassi. Thus Davide, Antonella, Tavassi, Andrea, Micol, Nikita and Oriana will go to televoting.

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