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Sara Skyttedal strikes back against Ebba Busch in SVT

Published 2024-01-23 19.00



Petade Sara Skyttedal breaks the silence in an interview in SVT’s “30 minutes”.

She denies having tried to run for the Sweden Democrats in the EU elections.

– I was confronted with something that only exists in Ebba Busch’s imagination, says Skyttedal in the interview.

Last Friday, EU parliamentarian Sara Skyttedal (KD) was tipped as the top name on the Christian Democrats’ list ahead of the elections in June.

The reason was that it should have emerged that she sought contact with SD and offered to run for them in the EU elections.

– This way of acting is damaging to trust and is not compatible with having our confidence to seek new confidence on our ballot, said party leader Ebba Busch to Aftonbladet on Friday.

“I will tell you what happened with my words, but not today,” Sara Skyttedal wrote on X.

“Busch has not been honest”

On Tuesday evening it was time.

In an interview in SVT’s 30 minutes, Skyttedal says that she explained the contacts with SD. According to her, it should have been about two informal conversations – she firmly denies that she would have offered to run for the party.

– I have absolutely made no demands about it, nor received such an offer.


full screen Sara Skyttedal (KD) and party leader Ebba Busch (KD) during a press conference last year, 2023. Photo: Christine Olsson / TT

Sara Skyttedal says that Ebba Busch accused her of wanting to run for KD and then switch parties to SD. Something that, according to Skyttedal, is not true.

She also says that there was a “clear plan” to depose her.

– I perceive that Ebba Busch has not been honest with me with her intentions.

Many tours

The Christian Democrats’ road to the EU elections has been stormy.

In September, David Lega was appointed as the party’s first name, only to be pushed in favor of Sara Skyttedal already in October.

After Skyttedal was poked, the party announced its new top name on the list on Friday: social debater Alice Teodorescu Måwe.

The election has caused it to smolder with discontent within the party. Ebba Busch has received internal criticism for choosing celebrities and friends for colleagues.

Aftonbladet has applied for Ebba Busch, who refers to KD’s party secretary Liza-Maria Norlin.

“I regret that we have not been able to talk to Sara internally despite repeated attempts since last Thursday. Otherwise, I now have nothing more to add,” she writes in a comment to Aftonbladet.


The Christian Democrats and the EU election

arrow Last year KD poked Sara Skyttedal as the top name on the list for the EU elections, after she caused reactions, among other things, for advocating the legalization of cannabis – contrary to the party line.

The new top name then became the party colleague David Lega.

arrow But Skyttedal fought back and finally won the battle for first place. After KD’s party council held a final vote – where they went against the election committee’s proposal – Skyttedal ended up at the top of the list again.

arrow But this week she was poked again. This time after it was revealed that she offered to run for SD.

Talking about cooperation with other parties is generally regarded as disloyal, and the reactions within KD were strong. Not least from party leaders Ebba Busch who called Skyttedal’s behavior “damaging trust”.

New top candidate is now the debater Alice Teodorescu Måwe.

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