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Sanz Reveals ONIC’s Key to Winning Against EVOS Legends!

Sanz Reveals ONIC’s Key to Winning Against EVOS Legends!

ONIC Esports succeeded in overthrowing their rivals in the fight for the Upper Bracket MPL ID Season 8.

ONIC Esports kept their hopes in the upper bracket, leaving only Alter Ego and RRQ Hoshi as their rivals.

Regarding the victory, it is certainly special considering that in the first meeting they had to lose 0-2 to EVOS Legends.

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Regarding the key to the victory of his team in this match, through MPL Quickie Sanz said this as follows.

source: YT MPL Indonesia

“Patience, yes, you have to be patient, don’t let misskom have one voice,” said ONIC Sanz.

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The key is in patience and communication that must be one voice. It can be seen that even though they struggled, Sanz and his friends were able to take two full points from EVOS Legends in this match.

Even from pick heroes, ONIC shows one very unusual hero, Fanny. And used as a jungler.

Regarding the jungler pick, Sanz has actually learned a lot, especially since Fanny did get a buff from skill 1 which made it easier for this hero to do damage.

Even though the game is still running tough because in the late game Fanny is more often used as a split pusher.

However, seeing this hard game shows the patience of the ONIC Esports team who did not rush to take steps to secure the two existing games. And of course communication is one thing that is equally important to make the game run as desired.

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