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Santurtzi urges the central government to guarantee universal access to vaccines against Covid-19

The plenary session that took place this Thursday in the Santurtzi City Council has dealt with a current issue such as the pandemic and the vaccine distribution. In a motion presented by the government team (PNV and PSE) it has been emphasized that “we are facing one of the most serious public health emergencies in recent history and more than three million lives have been lost worldwide . The new variants of Covid-19 show that we will not defeat the virus until we defeat it everywhere, ”the letter reads. For this reason, and unanimously, it has been agreed to urge the central government to cooperate on a global scale and eliminate possible obstacles that prevent ensuring that vaccines are developed and manufactured in sufficient quantity and that are distributed in a timely and inclusive manner around the world.

The text also seeks to ensure that intellectual property rights do not prevent any country from guaranteeing the right to health. The socialist spokesman, Juan Andrades, has pointed out that, although “having vaccines in such a short period of time is a historical milestone”, “fair and affordable access for all” is needed. He also warned that “the pandemic has highlighted the need for investment in both public health and biomedical R&D.”

“To assure universal immunization is essential to guarantee the end of the pandemic and necessary to respect human rights, “said the non-attached councilor, Cristina Arcocha. For their part, both Elkarrekin Podemos and EH Bildu have agreed on the relevance of the patent release so that the inoculations reach the whole world.

Collaboration agreement

On the other hand, the plenary session has dealt with a motion presented by the national coalition in order to solve the poor condition of the surroundings of General Castaños and Antonio Alzaga streets, area shared between Santurtzi and Portugalete. To this end, the EH Bildu councilors of both municipalities propose to agree on a collaboration agreement for define the deficiencies of the area and carry out an action plan to rehabilitate it, as well as “to urge the Provincial Council to improve the road, of which it is the owner”, has pointed out Joxi Martín. However, the proposal, which has had the favorable position of the opposition, has been rejected.

The government team has commented that the reason for the vote against the nationalist motion is because they request to carry out a job that is already being done. “We are happy that EH Bildu joins the work that others have been doing for many years in collaboration with the City of Portugalete, so we do not understand the reason for this presentation,” Andrades highlighted. For his part, the Councilor for Works and Services, Álvaro Aresti, has expressed that he is “surprised” that the national coalition “returns to present issues that have been previously informed in the committees.” In that sense, he explained that “It is not necessary an agreement for both consistories to coordinate, because we already do it”.

In this way, edil jeltzale has listed a series of examples such as the recent improvement of the environment of Antonio Alzaga in front of the elevators that communicate with General Castaños; accessibility works in the zone; or the remodeling of the park next to the Serantes fronton, among other actions. For his part, the Councilor for Urban Planning, Joseba Ramos, recalled that EH Bildu planned “zero investment euros for that area in the face of the budget.”

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