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‘Santiagua’, the underwater Camino de Santiago | The Window | The coffee growers

The Camino de Santiago has changed a lot over the years. The ways of doing it are more and more innovative and more and more people are doing it. A group of Basque divers have now invented the underwater Camino de Santiago and they have called it “Santiagua”. It is a pioneering journey that goes from Hondarribia to A Coruña in 21 stages that run through the entire Cantabrian coast under water. It was completed for the first time last August.

The objectives of the organizers are share the beauty of the Cantabrian Sea, promote its protection and promote diving centers and the different towns through which it passes. Too have been accounting for all the trash that was in the background to fight against the disappearance of fish caused, above all, by the plastic that is poured into the sea.

Along the route the divers they have been placing some monoliths underwater as a brand for those who dare to take this route later. They want it to become a tourist option, and for that they are making a documentary about their adventure, in which two years of work and several months of physical preparation materialized.

In the window we have interviewed Adolfo Rodríguez, one of the creators of the route, who has told us some details about the initiative. He has explained that “From the beginning we were clear that we wanted to publicize all the diving centers that are located on the Cantabrian coast.”

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