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Santiago Segura’s Twitter Account Hacked: Offensive Comments Spark Outrage

santiago safe turned into monday afternoon in trend on Twitter in Spain without even wanting it. We are used to seeing actors or actresses or other types of artists who go viral on the social network for their ingenuity in responding to a politician or for protest messages, but not for the type of comments users saw Posted from the filmmaker’s account.

Many of his followers saw how from his profile, which has more than 3.2 million followers, insulting comments came out to any of the users of the bird’s social network.

It all started, as is usual in this type of situation, when one of the people affected by these offenses publicly denounced on Twitter that he had received insults from the actor. Is about the monologist Ane Lindanewho just a few hours ago wrote a message alleging that Santiago Segura had called him “proetarra, podemita, mamarracha and vividora de las paguitas”.

However, she herself has explained in that same tweet that, apparently, everything had been a misunderstanding: “Her account must have been hacked or something.”

The comments to which Lindane referred came as a result of a tweet in which the comedian attacked against Javier Ortega Smith, Vice President of VOX in Spain, for blocking it. A fact to which ‘someone’, from the Spanish actor’s account, responded by calling the user a “mamarracha” and “rabble”.

Santiago Segura: “Greetings to those who have been having “fun””

That message in which supposedly the director of Torrent released those insults against the comedian no longer appears on Twitter because, as the actor himself explained from his account, there have been “people” who have been posting from their profile without him knowing.

“Until @verified and @TwitterEspana give me a solution, I proceed to disconnect”, published last Monday, January 16. It has been the affected person herself, Lindane, who has shown a thread on Twitter with all the offensive messages warning that “I will delete this thread tomorrow”.

After just a few hours, everything seemed resolved and Segura assured his followers that he had changed his passwords: “Sorry to those possibly affected and upset. Deleted tweets and shout out to the one who’s been having “fun” with this since this morning.”

As a result of comments such as those shown above and others of a higher caliber (many of them have already been deleted) They have aroused the fury of many users: “No one could imagine that the rancid and brother-in-law of Santiago Segura would finally be a rancid and brother-in-law”.

“I have never wished so strongly that someone’s computer or mobile phone had been hacked”stressed the monologist from her Twitter account, remarking that it was all a mistake because of a hack a Twitter.

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