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Santanchè, the motion of no confidence in the Chamber was rejected

Rejected with two more votes than Matteo Salvini also the mistrust towards the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè. The motion, presented by Francesco Silvestri (M5S) and supported by other oppositions, it was rejected by the Chamber with 213 no and 121 yes. Italia Viva parliamentarians are also against it.

Santanchè isn’t there. “No, I’m not going to the Chamber,” she replied Republic early in the morning. “I’m already on my way to Naples”. And from the Pietrarsa museum, once the vote had taken place, he commented on the heavy motion brought forward by the opposition in a semi-wide format (without Renzi precisely) to ask the prime minister Melons to torpedo it from the Ministry of Tourism after the news of the investigation for aggravated fraud against the State (in this case the INPS) through one of its companies, for the Covid allowances collected while the employees were working anyway. “The vote seems very clear to me, I am very calm. My state of mind is the same as yesterday, a week ago and a month ago: absolutely calm doing my job. As you can see here today, as yesterday and as I will do tomorrow.”

This is the accusation, which could soon lead to indictment. Even members of the League, such as the deputy and former undersecretary Stefano Candiani, they suggested taking a step back. However, not only are you not thinking about resigning, but you aren’t even thinking about responding to the accusations in person in the Chamber.

His seat therefore remained empty today, like that of Matteo Salvini yesterday, for a similar motion (then quashed by the majority with 211 no, out of 235 coalition votes, and 129 yes). “Am I running away from battle? But I have already proven that I am a fighter – Santanchè said again – I already came to the Senate last time, it’s not like it always has to be done”. This time, in fact, he decided not to go, even though formal and serious accusations arrived in the meantime. “But I don’t shy away, I’m here to work, I have important things to do in Naples. Now I’m traveling.” And greetings to Parliament.

In the Classroom

In the Chamber, during the examination of the motion of no confidence against the Minister of Tourism, the interventions of some opposition representatives took place. The first to speak in the Chamber was the MP from Italia Viva Roberto Giachetti, who confirmed the group’s vote against the no-confidence vote, “because we cannot allow ourselves to be influenced in our political activity by judicial matters which must take their course”. And yet he underlined: “I turn to the minister who is not here and is sorry, because it would have been fun to see ‘the queen of resignation’ in this Chamber. There are around twenty requests for resignation by Minister Santanchè, against, among others, Mr Speranza, Di Maio, Azzolina and Boschi who wasn’t even under investigation and came to the courtroom and spoke, because there is also a certain style to maintain in certain conditions. It would be funny to see those who have asked for the resignation of an infinite number of ministers ask the Chamber to vote against her.” Even the Action MP Francesco Benzoni he recalled the times that Santanchè asked for the resignation of other political exponents by announcing his group’s vote in favor of the motion of no confidence against the minister.

For the vice-president of the Green and Left Alliance in the Chamber, Marco Grimaldi, we need a “step back” from the minister because “we are on the other side, on the side of those who work and pay taxes. Santanchè says that for a Catholic like her the problem is not the fascists, but the devil. The problem is that the ‘devil wears Prada’ and doesn’t pay the workers.” The president of the Pd group Chiara Braga he announced the vote of the dems in favor of the motion of no confidence and listed some reasons “that pushed ministers of European governments to resign” such as “a copied degree thesis, a holiday in the middle of a flood, the hiring a maid in black, aggressive behavior towards collaborators. Everywhere, anyone who commits negligence leaves. Anywhere except here”. Then specifying: “We are not here today to judge a person who could be sent to trial for aggravated fraud against the State. We are here to prevent the institutions from being involved in a trial in which a minister is accused of having stolen public money in a difficult phase for the country”, concluded Braga.

#Santanchè #motion #confidence #Chamber #rejected
– 2024-04-04 14:38:56

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