Home » today » Entertainment » Sanremo 2023, “Fedez had tried the show with the attack on Bignami”. FdI: “The Rai leaders leave”. Coletta: “We didn’t know what he would do”

Sanremo 2023, “Fedez had tried the show with the attack on Bignami”. FdI: “The Rai leaders leave”. Coletta: “We didn’t know what he would do”

“At present it emerges that the stage of the Ariston has been transformed, with the consent and approval of Rai, into one electoral tribune“. On the morning of the last day in Sanremo, the group leader of Brothers of Italy to the Chamber Thomas Foti inaugurates a new controversy on the show by Fedez at the Festival on Wednesday evening, when the Milanese rapper performed a freestyle with critical verses towards various center-right exponents and above all towards the deputy minister Galeazzo Bignami, of which he tore up the now famous photo in a Hitler costume. The occasion is an article de The truth in which it is argued that freestyle – unlike what reported by Fedez – it had already been tested in the afternoon, including the scene of the photo (which, however, had not been torn out, but only turned upside down and thrown away). The thesis of the newspaper, therefore, is that it is “hardly credible that directors, authors and managers of Sanremo did not know what Mr. Ferragni would have done on the air”. And therefore that the version offered at the press conference by the RAI prime-time director would not be genuine, Stefano Colettathat is dissociated by the rapper’s “personal attacks” saying he was unaware of the performance.

A “case” on which Melonians are pounced en masse, demanding the resignation of the heads of public television. “Those in Rai who knew about the Fedez show must resign. They knew but nobody did anything, effectively making themselves accomplices in Fedez’s political soliloquy and his attack on a deputy minister of the Republic. Disturbing details that are coming out and which, if confirmed or rather not denied, will necessarily lead to an immediate clarification ”, attacks Foti. “We firmly ask that the top management of viale Mazzini explain exactly the dynamics of the story and act accordingly as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it is clear that someone, unable to guarantee the plurality of the public service, will have to leave his post as soon as possible“, points out. Words that have a very special weight in the period of appointments, with the most important seats of Rai (starting from that of the managing director Carlo Fuortes) all shaky.

On the controversy, Coletta had his say by answering a question during the press conference that anticipates the final evening. “As I said, we knew in the run-up to broadcast that Fedez would no longer carry the text that had already been delivered to us for days, and that it was refused to deliver the text of the new performance. We never received any text from him, while for all the evenings we received all the texts from the other performers, which remained unchanged. Only Fedez he changed it at the last second. My indications ”, she stressed,“ were those of never make political references as a matter of opportunity, since there are regional matches in Lombardy and Lazio on Sunday. That’s why I dissociated myself from Fedez, because I did not know of the fact that he would have torn up the photo of a deputy minister”.

In the meantime, following the path indicated by Foti, came the declarations of party comrades: “If the article de The truth were confirmed, there would be the details for the top management of the Italian radio and television company immediately leave their posts“, says the group leader in the Senate Lucio Malán. “Those in Rai who have consented to the Fedez show must leave their posts”, repeats the deputy group leader in the Chamber Elisabetta Gardini. And so on, in a series of press releases almost all the same signed by true Melonian “peones”. The toughest reaction comes from the Pd: “The request for resignation by FdI of the Rai executives responsible for Fedez’s performance is paradoxical: on stage he did not say or show anything that was not already public and known. Does FdI intend to govern by limiting freedom of expression? Minculpop air pull“, the ministry of fascist propaganda, writes the group leader dem in the Senate on Twitter Simona Malpezzi. “Fratelli d’Italia threatening Rai for Sanremo is very serious institutionally and is emblematic of a reactionary conception of rights and society”, says the secretary of + Europa instead Benedict DellaVedova.

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