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Sanremo 2023: Controversy, Criticism, and Anticipation for the Festival Performances


That of Geolier, who will be competing at the Festival with “I p’ me, tu p’ te”, “is not Neapolitan dialect”. There are those who spoke of “Neapolitan”, some even of Dutch. The Festival hasn’t started yet, the song hasn’t yet been heard, and accusations are already pouring in on social media. For it historian of the Italian language Nicola De Blasi (interviewed by Corriere) the language used by the rapper from Secondigliano in his song is Neapolitan: «The text must be considered from the aspect of his singing performance. We must not confuse the linguistic aspect with the graphic one but it is still Neapolitan. Rather it would be interesting to see if the text is entirely in Neapolitan or there are some parts in Italian. Even in the classical song there are verses in Italian and others in Neapolitan and it is something that happens in the speaker’s daily communication. This is how communication is real and alive.” Much more critical instead the writers Maurizio de Giovanni and Angelo Forgione (who spoke of “Geolier’s Neapolitan fool”) and the actor Gianfranco Gallo, who intervened in the dispute in recent days. But Geolier wasn’t the only one to make people talk about himself when the curtains of the Ariston theater were still lowered…

La Sad

“I don’t think we said anything we had ever said before. Our music comes from punk and consequently the language is also harsh, but we need to listen to the message.” By La Sad, the song they will bring to Sanremo, ‘Autodestructive’, has not come under fire. Codacons, as soon as the trio’s participation in the event was announced, loudly asked for the group to be excluded due to some lyrics written in the past, considered “offensive towards women”. «Since we were called to the Festival we knew that we were in the eye of the storm – Fiks told the Corriere -. But in truth we are very good guys. Unfortunately we are used to being discriminated against in this society.” Theø added: «The Codacons thing was bad because a sentence was extrapolated, taking it out of context. That song (in which they say “But you’re worse than coke, you’re a slut…”, ed.) talks about us who suffer from a love situation and instead they made us look like misogynistic executioners, when we have always treated women from God. We love women.” «Women – added Plant – are our inspiring muses. Each of us has women in our lives that we love: some the girl, some the mother, some the grandmother.”


He has – so far – won Sanremo every time he took part in the race. This is why his fans can’t wait to listen to “Tuta Gold” (of which so far they have only had the opportunity to appreciate the lyrics). Third victory on the way? «But no, this time if I win they’ll throw tomatoes at me – said Mahmood during the press conference to present his new album -. And then this song is something totally new for me. And I’m very proud of it, whatever the final result will be.”

Angelina Mango

During the cover evening Angelina Mango (competing with «La noia») will try her hand at a – much loved – song by her father Pino Mango: «La rondine». A tribute 10 years after the death of the artist from Lagonegro. Someone on social media criticized the choice, but the majority of his fans appreciated (and defended) it. In an interview with Corriere last year, the singer, who came second in Amici in 2023, said about the cons of being doubly the daughter of art: «As a child, the rumors of those who speak without knowing you in depth. You get an A at school and someone says you don’t deserve it. Attitude that I find on Instagram”. Sense of competition with mum (Laura Valente, long-time singer of Matia Bazar) and dad? “I have no sense of competition: music is a passion and not a challenge. I draw inspiration from what I like, but not so much in my family. Or perhaps, simply, they are things that I already have inside me.”

Saint John

During the fourth evening of the Festival, Sangiovanni will perform a duet with the Latin pop star Aitana “Mariposas”, a Spanish version of his song “Farfalle”, a single already published in Spain in 2022. The choice to cover himself has caused a stir many users on social media, who indulged in memes.


«Casa mia», the song that Ghali will present on the stage of the Ariston theatre, for many social users «will make the Northern League’s livers explode». Two passages in particular are mentioned in the comments: “With lines imagine a hospital being bombed / for a piece of land or for a piece of bread” and “My house, your house, what’s the difference? It’s not there.”

Dargen D’Amico

Like Ghali, Dargen D’Amico also touches on a hot topic with his song, ‘Onda alta’: migrants and the risks of sea crossings. «My music comes from the observation of current events: “Dove si balla” photographed the post-pandemic, while “Onda alta” reflects 2023, in which landings exceeded 150,000 units. None of us were born here, genetically speaking. We can also apply the law of first come, but in a more human vision all this should not be a problem, if anything an opportunity.” There is no shortage of references to the Italian government: “It has always been difficult to manage the unknowns that put our future at risk: only political issues are addressed, limiting ourselves to a statistical reading of the data concerning the last semester”.


“Anger is not enough for you” is the title of the Sanremo song by BigMama, born Marianna Mammone. A song that talks about revenge on bullying, body shaming and violence (of which the rapper, unfortunately, has had direct experience in the past): “I always like to put strong messages in my music and this is a piece that closes a circle of revenge. The meaning is not to be afraid to believe in yourself, not to be influenced by what others think; it’s also a way to apologize to my little girl: if they tell you that you can’t sing because you’re fat, because you’re a woman, because you come from a small town, don’t care.”

Loredana Bertè

“I’m crazy about myself, about myself/And I want to shout it again.” From the Sanremo stage Loredana Bertè will launch an invitation to love one another: her “Pazza” is a hymn to the freedom to be oneself, and for many social users it will end up on the podium.

2024-02-05 06:07:00

#Sanremo #Geolier #Sad #songs #artists #talked

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