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Sanidade evicts 500 people from the Vigo area who were to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca | Radio Vigo

The Xunta de Galicia has applied this Thursday the suspension of the administration of AstraZeneca vaccines in people under 60 years. Thus, the 1,403 people, belonging to the essential professional groups, who were called to be vaccinated on April 8 in Galicia, have been called off. Of them, 505 belong to the health area of ​​Vigo.

At the same time, the massive device has been maintained at the Ifevi, where people between the ages of 60 and 65 and between 75 and 79 are being vaccinated. Due to this, large queues have been registered to access the fairgrounds, both in the AP-9 like in the Airport Avenue.

In addition, the Galician Health Service is rescheduling the appointments of some people over 60, due to the adjustment of the doses in their respective health area.

The decisions were taken after the meeting of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System which was held this Wednesday, and in which it was agreed to suspend the inoculation of the vaccine made by the British pharmaceutical company, in people under 60 years of age.

The agreement affects those population groups that belong to the professions defined as essential for society within the Vaccination Strategy established by the Ministry of Health, whose appointments will be rescheduled. In this sense, in Galicia this Thursday the vaccination of teachers and staff of Early Childhood and Special Education, centers for minors, State Security Forces and Bodies or Maritime Service, among others.

By health areas, reprogramming affects 220 people in the Coruña-Cee health area; 161 in the area of ​​Lugo, A Mariña and Monforte; 505 in the Vigo area; 400 in the Santiago-Barbanza area and 117 in the health area of ​​Ourense, Verín and O Barco de Valdeorras. Regarding the areas of Ferrol and Pontevedra-O Salnés, today the vaccinations of essential groups were not scheduled.

So far, the total number of vaccinations of AstraZeneca administered in Galicia is 140,903 doses. It is not yet decided what will happen to those who have already received the first injection. The possibility of inoculating the second with a different vaccine or only putting a dose if it provides 70% efficiency is being considered.

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