Sania Iyyappan is one of the most admired young actresses in Malayalam. All the pictures of the star are getting attention on social media. Now Sania’s video related to an advertisement is going viral. Sania is seen in a very glamorous look in the video. The actress is wearing a long gown with a deep V neck. The dress with high slit is very glamorous. After the release of the video, many people are coming with severe criticism. The actor’s role is causing criticism. Someone commented that there is no one to buy clothes that are not torn. Another notes that the seamstress made a mistake by using the old measurements of Cochin. Is she going to the door of the welding workshop? Someone wrote that to hit so much light. Meanwhile, many people are praising Sania’s look.
Sania Iyyappan’s Glamorous Look in Viral Advertisement Sparks Controversy
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