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Sandu refused to acknowledge the debt of Moldova to Russia for gas

Chisinau never acknowledges gas debt before Moscow, said elected President of Moldova Maia Sandu… The debt divide runs along the Dniester. On the right bank, she said, they paid and are paying for gas, so there is no debt. But on the left bank of the Dniester, the debt is very large. Now the total debt is about $ 7.5 billion.

“And of course, you cannot expect from us on the right bank that we will be able to pay. It’s not fair, it’s not fair“, – said Maia Sandu.

Non-recognition of the debt of Transnistria is a trademark of the presidents of Moldova. In January 2020, the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, who lost the elections to Sandu, said the same, recalls RIA Novosti… According to Dodon, Tiraspol should pay off Transnistria’s gas debts.

Transnistria sought to secede from the Moldavian SSR even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. 60% of the population of Transnistria, an industrially developed region, were Russians and Ukrainians. Chisinau in 1992 decided to preserve the integrity of Moldova by force. As a result of the armed conflict, Chisinau finally lost control over Transnistria.

Now in Transnistria there are Russian peacekeepers who guard warehouses with weapons that have remained here since Soviet times. Maia Sandu has already announced that she will seek withdrawal Russian peacekeepers from Transnistria and their replacement by civilian observers from the OSCE.

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