Home » today » News » Sandra Pētersons / Diena is elected Chairman of Talsi District Council

Sandra Pētersons / Diena is elected Chairman of Talsi District Council

13 deputies of six political parties voted for Peterson. Three parties abstained We – Talsi and the county deputies and one member of the New Conservative Party.

Before voting for the new chairman of the council, Inga Glūzda (JKP) blamed the coalition parties for not inviting her to a secret conversation. Petersone, who organized the meeting last Friday, explained that it did not make sense to invite Glūzda to the talks, as she had previously expressed the position that this term of the Talsi County Council had exhausted herself and she would not support any candidate for political power.

Petersone is currently a boarding house in Talsi region Lauciene Assistant to the Director for Economic Affairs.

The agenda for the extraordinary meeting included the issue of amendments Talsi municipality regulations, which envisages that the chairman of the Talsi County Council will have three deputies instead of one, as is currently the case. Such a decision was taken in order to “improve the decision-making process and to be able to prepare a large amount of documentation related to the administrative-territorial reform in an expeditious manner”, the national associations stated. All to Latvia! -For Fatherland and Freedom / LNNK representative of Laima Melkina.

Each deputy will be in charge of a set of questions. The position of the Deputy Chairman of the City Council will be retained Unity representative Normunds Tropiņš, who will be responsible for the social sphere. Andris Astrātovs, a deputy in the field of economics (For the development of Talsi region), as well as the deputy in the field of education, culture and sports – deputy, former chairman of the council Dainis Karols (LZS).

At the extraordinary meeting of the City Council, the deputies are also determined to find a solution for the executive branch, which was one of the reasons why Karol lost his position. It is planned to approve Ievu Krēķi, the current acting director, as the executive director. In her turn, it is planned to appoint Arvi Lagzdiņš as her deputy, who has so far performed the duties of the head of the Communal Department in the municipality. He had also previously applied for the post of Executive Director, but did not receive the support of Members.

Karol, the former chairman of the Talsi District Council, was ousted on 14 May, accusing him of leaving the municipality for a long time without an executive director, as well as communication problems. If the deputies do not elect a new chairman within two months, the council may be dismissed by appointing an interim administration to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Affairs.

Tropiņš, the acting chairman of the council, has not yet managed to reach an agreement with the representatives of eight political forces on a new chairman of the council in almost two months.

The deputies did not support the candidacy of the former chairman of Tukums County Council Ēriks Lukmans for the position of the executive director, nor could they agree on another candidacy of the executive director, therefore the acting deputy executive director Krēķi had to be approved as the acting executive director.

Tropins previously said that the chairman of the council should be appointed by the end of June, otherwise the dismissal of the council may be initiated after July 14. “Of course, before the vote on the dismissal of the previous council chairman Karol, there were talks about a new candidate, but now it seems that the main key issue is the inability to agree on an executive director.

He doubts whether in the next municipal elections “the deck will be less speckled” and whether the elected deputies “will be able to hug in a friendly way and forget everything that has happened before”.

“I do not think that such actions of the deputies are in the interests of the residents of the region,” Tropins summed up.

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Juris Pūce (AP) also called on the municipal deputies to act in the interests of their voters and to elect a new chairman of the municipal council.

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