Home » today » Technology » Sandra Kubicka on the merger of Opozda and Królikowski. She has a bad experience herself. “I heard she calmed down”

Sandra Kubicka on the merger of Opozda and Królikowski. She has a bad experience herself. “I heard she calmed down”

Sandra Kubicka she has a busy Sunday behind her because she is involved in a special action. She sold ice cream in Warsaw’s Żoliborz, collecting money for Kubuś and his family. Pomponik’s camera was present at the site. The model had to face uncomfortable questions about the relationship Joanna Opozda i Antek Królikowski.

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Sandra Kubicka about the reunion of Opozda and Królikowski. She has bad experiences herself. “I heard she calmed down”

Joanna Opozda and Sandra Kubicka, to put it mildly, do not have love for each other (SEE IT: Joanna Opozda accuses Sandra Kubicka of abandoning her dog. “I heard that this dog is no more.” The nervous model replied). And although a lot of time has passed since the scandal, the stars did not have time to unblock themselves on Instagram. But Sandra knows what is happening at the “friend”. What does she think about the actress’s reunion with Antek Królikowski?

I’ve had some big come-ups and break-ups too, and I don’t know if it’s good. There is no rule that it works or not. If people love each other, it’s great that they fight for it. I like Antek a lot, he is a nice person, I had a gripe with Asia, but this should not affect my opinion whether they fit together or not. I heard that Asia has changed, that she has calmed down and that she is a warmer person. Visually, they fit together perfectly.

Sandra doda³a however, he believes that the proverbial stepping into the same river twice is not doing any good.

In my case, the returns were bad. When you part with someone, you do it for a specific reason and some people forget about it and for a while it is a honeymoon, an idyll, and then problems get worse. If, on the other hand, someone has left someone for someone else, how many times you say that you will forgive, you will not forgive. It is pulled out in every quarrel.

Do you think that Joanna and Antek will manage to create a happy relationship? Of course, we keep our fingers crossed.

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