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Sandhage warning for Juwelier Chronotage GmbH

Warning to RA Sandhage – We help!

Lawyer Sandhage from Berlin is known for his countless warnings in the Competition law. We are currently receiving inquiries about Sandhage warnings on behalf of Jeweler Chronotage GmbH. This operates an online shop, where it sells in particular wristwatches.

Warning against competition law

Accusation in the letter from attorney Gereon Sanhage is one Infringement of Competition by the warned competitor. Hence becomes a Penal cease and desist declaration and demanded a sum of money, Section 12 UWG. The cease and desist declaration is intended to ensure that the party obligated to cease and desist does not repeat the inadmissible business act that he has already committed.

Claims in the Sandhage warning

  • Submission of a punishable omission
  • Payment of legal fees, § 12 UWG

Violation of competition law with consequence

You must take the warning seriously! Lawyer Sandhage himself has already been sued for legal abusive warning practices and sentenced to damages by judgment of the Berlin Regional Court of August 2nd, 2017, file number 15 O 144/17. Nonetheless, warnings from lawyer Sandhage are generally not fake. It is important to react correctly. We would be happy to help you with one free initial consultation.

Frequent violations in warnings

  • incorrect imprint
  • incorrect cancellation policy
  • no model withdrawal form
  • Violation of the price information
  • GDPR violation (data protection)
  • missing link to the OS platform
  • violation of ElektroGesetz

Violation of electrical law

The ElektroG (ElektroG) regulates the placing on the market, the return and the environmentally friendly disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. Battery-operated wristwatches are electrical devices. These may only be offered for sale if the dealer has properly registered with the Foundation EAR registered. Otherwise a sales ban applies.

EAR foundation

The Elektro-Altgeräte-Register (Stiftung EAR) registers the manufacturers of electrical and electronic devices and coordinates the provision of the collection containers and the collection of the old devices from the public waste disposal authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany. It was founded to reduce the increasing amount of electronic scrap from electrical appliances that are no longer used. EAR ensures the competitive implementation of the ElektroG by fulfilling the following tasks and powers in particular:

  • Registration of manufacturers who place electrical appliances on the market in Germany
  • Recording of the quantities of electrical appliances placed on the market
  • Coordination of the provision of containers for transfer points and the collection of old devices from the public waste disposal authorities

Be careful with the declaration of omission

The Penal cease and desist declaration is intended to prevent repetitions of the legal offense in the future. So far so good! However, every cease and desist declaration usually entails a great deal Financial risk. Follow-up violations can trigger fines from the cease and desist declaration. For example, € 1,000 to € 3,000 per new violation are regularly charged. These amounts go directly to the competitor. The following applies here: NO experiments. Therefore, you should definitely seek advice from one of our lawyers!

Our tips

  • no Going it alone
  • no Contacting Sandhage
  • Nothing sign
  • Nothing numbers

What to do? – Our initial consultation doesn’t cost you a cent!

With the appropriate know-how, the cease and desist declaration can be changed or modified and the financial risk can be significantly reduced! In addition, it must be checked whether there is any competitive relationship at all. Let a professional advise you on competition law – master builder Rosing!

  • years of experience
  • free initial consultation
  • daily emergency help on the phone
  • Warning check → competent, fast, solution-oriented

Monday – Sunday | 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. | 030 95 99 82 220

We look forward to your call!

Your Baumeister Rosing team

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