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Sandefjord – Brann supporter urinated on photographer

While NTB photographer Trond Teigen was busy taking pictures of the Sandefjord-Brann match, a Brann supporter made nausea in the stands.

Teigen says it started as a normal match, where he had tactically placed behind the goal, that is, with the Brann supporters behind him.

– Sometimes I have experienced that snuff bags come flying, as some people think it is fun to throw this at us, Teigen says to Dagbladet.

But this time no snuff bag was thrown in the direction of the photographer. There was a large salivary gland and urine.

It was Bergens Tidende who first mentioned the case.

– Piss

The photographer noticed something flying in the air, followed by what he thought was water.

– I turn to take a picture of the one who threw something, and see only a head that disappears behind the banner. Then there are two well-grown men who are fainting from laughter, says Teigen.

It was only after the page change that the photographer was made aware of what he actually had on his back.

URINE: A fire supporter urinated on a photographer.  Photo: Trond Teigen

URINE: A fire supporter urinated on a photographer. Photo: Trond Teigen
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Then he was met by the police and a woman who works for Sandefjord ball club.

– The woman explains that it’s piss. A boy had seen the whole incident and told it, says the photographer.

In addition, he had a large salivary gland hanging behind his right shoulder.

– It almost hit me in the back of the head, says Teigen.

He adds:

– It is unbelievable that adults can do something like that. They should think about the consequences for supporters who already have a bad reputation.

Reported the case

Brann’s general manager Vibeke Johannesen has been informed of the incident.

– I just found out about this, and it is completely unacceptable. We do not yet know who did this, but it is completely reprehensible that people who are at the stadium and do a job should experience this, says a clearly shaken Johannesen to BA.

Teigen finished his photography job and then explained himself to the police. According to the photographer, they must have captured the incident on surveillance camera and identified a person.

– I have chosen to report the incident, so it will be exciting to see what consequences it has, says Teigen.

The police state that a man in his 40s from Bergen is a suspect in the case, according to Bergensavisen.

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