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‘Sanctions show that China is sensitive to outside pressure’

Professor of International Relations Rob de Wijk mentions China’s sanctions list not random. “It is a collection of politicians and scientists. It is known that China does not like independent science. Only that the MERICS (Mercator Institute for China Studies) insists amazes me, it is a respectable institution. “

The fact that Sjoerd Sjoerdsma is on the list can be explained according to De Wijk. “That does not alter the fact that it can be very annoying for Sjoerdsma, especially if he can prepare for a ministerial post in a new cabinet, it could cause diplomatic problems for the Netherlands. reason on the list. “

Nevertheless, according to De Wijk, the sanctions imposed by the EU on China are also quite painful for the country, which is struggling with a growing image problem. According to the professor, the Chinese have overplayed their hand in their efforts to gain global influence, especially during the corona crisis. “They have put pressure on, for example, Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia and therefore also Xinjiang. That has caused a lot of damage. But the Chinese really support their statement about the EU sanctions, which they see as a violation of their sovereignty.”

Uyghur issue not reviewed

And at the same time, China is increasingly in need of cooperation with Europe. “China is not Russia, that comparable sanctions imposed by the EU. Putin shrugs and even raises his middle finger. The Chinese cannot do that. Collaboration with Europe is crucial, in terms of access to the European market and technology, for example. “

Even if the investeringsakkoord between Europe and China, according to De Wijk, there is no chance that China will revise domestic policy in general and the Uyghur issue in particular. “If they did, it would really be seen as a bow to the West and that is impossible.”

The passage of time is the best weapon for China. “And as you often see with these types of targeted sanctions, the real big bosses always remain out of harm’s way. You always have to keep talking to each other.”

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