Home » today » World » Sanctions on KKE, Golden Dawn and 3 other parties: They violated the law on state financing – 2024-08-22 17:48:01

Sanctions on KKE, Golden Dawn and 3 other parties: They violated the law on state financing – 2024-08-22 17:48:01

The imposition of fines on five parties was ratified by Kostas Tasoulas with his decision at the beginning of August, based on the “final report of the results of the control of parties and coalitions of parties for the year 2022” of the Committee of No Matters of the Parliament.

The largest fine was imposed on the KKE, which amounts to 1% of the regular funding paid for the year 2022, i.e. the amount of 18,829.34 euros. The reason? Perissos presented “income from subscriptions and contributions amounting to 4,855,000 euros without meeting the conditions of private financing”, as well as “failure to publish data on the party’s income from donations – legacies, totaling 768,221.08 euros”.

Corresponding sanctions had been imposed on the KKE for the previous fiscal year. Specifically, a fine of 1% of the regular funding paid for the year 2021, i.e. an amount of 15,063.47 euros, had been imposed, as it had presented “income from subscriptions and contributions amounting to 4,665,000 euros without meeting the conditions of private financing”, while “failure to disclose” had also been observed of the data for the Party’s income from donations – legacies, totaling 330,064.82 euros”.

In the decision signed by the president of the Parliament, fines are also imposed on “Dimiourgia Xana”, the Nazi organization Golden Dawn, the Political Organization of Artists of Greece (POKE) and the Green Movement. In particular, the party from which Thanos Tzimeros left in 2023 after his last electoral “success” was fined 11,000 euros for “failure to submit annual financial statements”. For the same reason, the criminal organization led by Nikos Michaloliakos is asked to pay 5,200 euros, while the “Green Movement” will pay 3,000 euros for “handling the total amount of income (20,000.00 euros) outside of bank accounts”.

Regarding POKE, the following violations were detected: “Income from subscriptions and contributions amounting to 51,488.20 euros (total revenue) without meeting the conditions of private financing. Failure to publish data on the party’s total income. Handling of total revenue (51,488.20 euros) outside of bank accounts. Handling (above the prescribed limit) expenses of 24,452.24 euros outside bank accounts”.

The decision:

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